I can't move.

Well, I am choosing not to.

But I have to get away.

Anderson's gonna kill me.

I have to get back to consciousness.

I can't open my eyes because every part of me hurts.

Wake up, Eliza.

You can do this.

You are not yet defeated.

Wake up and open your eyes and fight.

This is your life we are talking about.

I opened my eyes and tried my best to sit up.

" Eliza! " a familiar voice said

" Warner? " I said as I sat up.

But he prevented me.

" You need to rest. " he said

" Anderson. " I said

" He's not gonna hurt you anymore. " he said

" Is he-"

" I shot him. " he said

I closed my eyes.

" How long uh, was, I, uh-"

" Out? A week. "

" A week? " I said

" You lost a lot of blood, I thought you couldn't make it. "

" He told me that, uh, he was careful not to uh, puncture any, any, arteries. " I said as I closed my eyes.

" I'm not sure if you're fine. " Warner said

I felt his hand on my forehead.

I opened my eyes and saw that he too was covered in blood.

" Are you hurt? " I said

" No, I am covered in your blood. "

" From head to toe? "

" Yes, I carried you from downstairs to here, performed first aid, then a little bit of operation and I tried James' ability on you. "

" It didn't wear him out did it? "

" I absorbed his power and used it on you. "

" Am I dead? "

" Close to dying. "

" I think it's about time I died. "

" Don't die on me, Eliza. "

" I'll try my best to live. "

I closed my eyes.

" Eliza." and then Warner's voice faded away.

Life is full of challenges.

Especially my life.

I haven't felt accepted by anything.

I don't think I have accomplished anything.

I am nothing.

I'm just a girl.

With an exceptional ability to kill someone in a distance.

A girl with no purpose.

I am not loved.

I cannot be loved.

I cannot love.

Or so I thought.

" Warner. " I whispered.

I heard him draw in a heavy breath.

I felt his hands on my face.

His thumbs touching my cheeks.

I want to stare into his eyes forever.

And yet, I don't have the strength to open my eyes.

He changed my life.

He changed me.

" I have one question. " I whispered.

" Ask me. " he said

" Have we found it? " I said

" Found what? "

" Love and joy. " I said

" You're asking me that now? " he said

" At least, if I don't make it, I have answers. "

" Don't die on me, Eliza. "

" Answer me. " I said

" I found you. " he said

" Me? "

" You are my love and my source of joy.If you die-"

" It's not a good sight seeing me like this. "

" I know. "

" That answers the question. " I said

" It does? "

I opened my eyes.

And looked at him.

" We have found each other, Warner. " I said

It makes sense to me.

Warner found me.

For the first time in my life, I felt loved.

And I felt love.

A girl with a purpose for living.

A girl who is loved

A girl who never thought she cannot love, is now loving someone.

" We did, didn't we? " he said

" You know, I would sit up if I could, and now is a good time for a-"

And then he kissed me.

I smiled when he pulled back.

" Did I-" he said

" No, actually, the opposite. " I said

" What do you mean? "

" It made me feel better. " I said

" Then I have to kiss you more. " he said

I pursed my lip.

And I tasted blood.

" Is there blood on my face? " I said

" A little while ago, why? "

" I tasted some of it. "

" I haven't given you a proper sponge bath. The wounds are too fresh. "

" Very fresh. " I said

I closed my eyes.

" Take a rest first. " he said

" Hey, Warner? " I said

He held my hand.

" Yeah? "

" Uh, thank you. For saving me. " I said as I opened my eyes again.

" You're welcome. " he said

I held his hand.

" No, really, thank you. " I said

" I know. Rest for a while, will you? "

" Don't leave me alone. " I said

" I won't. "

" Promise? "

" I promise. "

" Wake me up if you need to leave. " I said

" I will. "

And I drifted off.

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