Warner's house feels like Warner.

I mean, every corner of the house feels like him.

Well, he does own this house.

I am alone again.

Which feels weird. I think.

I haven't been alone since.. last morning.

I fumbled with the plastic thing that Warner gave me.

Warner cared so much about me that he put me in a safe house and gave me some sort of protection.

I'd like to think that he does care about me.

Because he told me that he had proven that nothing is impossible.

I mean, I smiled at him.


I felt happy.

A feeling that I only felt when I touched James' hand.

And then there is another overwhelming feeling that I felt.

I haven't felt it before in anyone.

Much more to me.

That my heart stopped when I watched Warner walk away. Like I don't want him to leave.

And also that, my heartbeats grew faster and faster when we were talking a while ago.

And that he made me smile.

He made me happy.

He had efforts to prove that the impossible can be possible.

That anything can happen.

Warner made me feel important.

That I meant something in this world.

I sure hope that I meant something in his.

I don't like being alone in my thoughts.

In my own caring thoughts.

I don't care so much to the world before, and now.. Warner came along and I changed.

I still don't care about some other parts of the world but I am actually caring for another human being.

If I consider myself as a human being.

I mean, I am one, but the only thing hindering me from being one are my eyes.

I love the idea that I can see everything but I also hate the idea that I have no filters.

I can see every joy, pain, happiness, sadness, everything.

And plus, I can kill someone just by looking at him or her.

I heard the door open.

" Warner came back early. " I said to myself.

I went down the house.

And saw an entirely different person.

" Miss Trauer, it's good to see you again. " Anderson said

" Anderson? "

I can see that he is well armed.

And I have nothing.

Just me and my eyes.

Which he has protection from.

He smiled coldly.

" What are you doing here? " I said

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