Chapter Thirteen

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Namjoon stepped in and cleared his throat which I was extremely thankful for since I could feel my face grow hot.

"So, Hobi...I hear your performance is coming up soon. Are you pumped for it or what?" Namjoon asked a little too cheerfully.

Hoseok didn't answer right away because he didn't catch the hint to change the subject. "Oh, oh, yesss! I'm very excited! You guys should come and watch!" Hoseok suggested energetically. I could practically feel the happiness and excitement radiating off of him in giant waves.

"I'd love to go and watch! When is it?" I jumped into the conversation.

"Next Friday at 8 pm," Hoseok answered.

"I'll go to!" Jimin said.

"Me too!" called Taehyung.

"Who else wants to go? Raise you hand," Jin told everyone. In response, everyone raised their hand besides one person. We glared at Jungkook. He sighed and rolled his eyes, finally raising his hand.

"Fine, I'll go," Jungkook muttered.


When supper ended, we helped Jin carry all the dishes to the kitchen.

"I'm going to quick run to my restaurant. I've got to perfect my tomato soup. I'll be back in an hour. Yoongi, you're up for dishes duty. See ya, I'm off like a dirty shirt," Jin announced while Yoongi grumbled all the way to the sink.

Jin. Going to his restaurant. Industrial kitchen. Amazing food. Yum. No. Stay focused. Industrial kitchen. No one there. Creepy dude with knife. My vision.

Oh no.

I  ran to Namjoon. "Quick, where is Jin's restaurant?"


"I said quick!" I snapped.

"Turn left and it's down the road at the first intersection," Namjoon answered, stumbling with his words.

I grabbed my car keys, flying past a confused Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. I ran out the door, just in time to see Jin's car driving down the long driveway.

I hauled ass to my stall, hastily got in, and started the engine. I followed Jin's car the best I could. He pulled into a deserted parking lot. I parked in the convenience store's parking lot next door.

Jin walked to the back door, spinning his ring of keys around his finger. He unlocked the door and walked in. A car door slammed. In the same parking lot as me, a guy walked toward the same back door.

I clicked my seat belt and ran to the door after it shut behind the man. I shoved it open and stealthily trailed after him. He knew exactly where to go like he worked here. The man entered the kitchen, crouching down so Jin wouldn't see him.

He grabbed a butcher's knife from one of those wooden knife blocks. The long blade glinted wickedly from the bright white kitchen lights. The man crept to the big pantry, grabbed a container, and opened the lid. He spit on the huge blade and dipped it in the container.

It came back up with salt sprinkled over it.

He didn't just want to murder Jin, but to make him suffer while he did so. This man loathed Jin.

He put the salt container back then stalked toward Jin, flipping, just like how I saw in my vision.

This was my chance.

I raced to the man, grabbing the wrist which wielded the knife. I used my momentum to knee him in the gut, making him keel over. He rolled backward after a fast recovery and hopped up with a snarl on his face, gripping the knife deathly tight.

He leaped forward. I pivoted sideways, avoiding the blow, then using his momentum against him by pulling his arm and flipping him over my shoulder. He landed on his back with a sickening THUD. I grabbed a pan hanging over the counter and whacked him over the head with it, causing him to go unconscious.

Breathing heavily, I turned around. Jin was crouched on top of the counter next to his pot holding a frying pan of his own with an expression of unbelief. "Wha-? How? What?" he stuttered.

"C'mon. Clean up. We've got to get outta here before this guy gains consciousness and before the police arrive," I told Jin.


Jin and I both pulled out of the parking lot just as the authorities pulled in with bright flashing lights.

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