he'll be okay (part 2 of she'll be okay)

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"so, how's your sister been?" you ask you bring your hot cappuccino to your lips.

"she just got out of hospital yesterday actually so i'm really happy that she can go back home even if i don't live there anymore." finneas says with a smile. you smile back and place your cup back on the table.

it had been a couple of months since the accident because you had gotten more hours in the voluntary paramedic service and today was your day off in about a month. it gave finneas an opportunity to ask you out on a date but since it began to rain, you both decided to sit and talk at a cozy cafe.

"can't believe you didn't know who billie was when you first saw her." he says with a laugh. you roll your eyes playfully.

"jesus christ we're still taking about that?" you say.

"well you are a teenager and most teens are basically gay for her. i was super surprised. and the fact that you have never listened to our music, unbelievable." finneas says as he leans back into his char and you laugh.

"shut up." you say and you punch his shoulder and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"ok, how about this, one day, you can come over to my place and we can listen to what me and billie had ever made in my bedroom. i promise you, you'll ask yourself how you've lived without it." finneas suggests and you sigh playfully.

"are you saying that you're already planning our second date?" you say and finneas laughs.

"you caught me, dang you're good." he says and you smile.

"i mean at least i went to uni." you say and you both laugh your heads off.

it continued like that, laughs and talking about your while entire lives. what you did in your spare time and what he did in his whenever you both actually had spare time because you both were busy people.

for the first time in your life, you actually had someone who likes you. growing up without parents and an abusive uncle and aunt, you didn't know what it felt like to have a friend, especially since you were home schooled.

whenever your uncle and aunt were out, you learned to cook for yourself and you figured out on how to get to the library on your own. you went there everyday and learned what you thought was essential to learn for your age.

since you always had scars, you also learned how to look after yourself. it was the moment when you decided to be a paramedic because you always had the urge to help people and you didn't want people to go through what you had gone through. it's not fair to be treated that way.

you learned everything about the body and at the age of fourteen, you considered yourself as a young nurse but you wouldn't want people to actually call you that because no one would believe that you knew the human anatomy at the age of fourteen.

you started working at that same age and you never spent your money on anything, you were determined to save up your money for uni and you actually had enough money. it was unbelievable. being in uni was a dream that wouldn't come true in your situation but apparently, all dreams do come true.

if you told your ten year old self that you were currently in a voluntary paramedic service provided by the university, she'd laugh in your face and would never believe you for one second.

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