stage breakdowns

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inspired by shawn mendes' lil breakdown at his last show in mexico

you were going to miss it, no doubt. being on tour for almost a year and travelling to different places you had never been too was mind blowing. every place that you performed at was extremely beautiful and you wished that you had never left but you knew you would return during the next tour.

you were in the O2 arena is prague, doing soundcheck. you stood at the very front of the little runway, singing 'my oh my'. the song echoed throughout the arena and watched the visual play on the big screen behind you.

the show was sold out, like most shows, and you knew that the arena was going to be at full maximum. it was going to be unbelievable.

you went down onto the ground and through the little gaps of the barrier. the layout was very similar to shawn's layout during his tour, for his third album, that had just finished.

you went to sit at the very back of the arena, just listening to the audio of the songs. you felt someone filming you so you looked at saw that finneas was recording you. you smiled at flipped him off. you could hear his laugh echo through the arena and you heard a ding from your phone.

finneas had posted the video on his instagram and tagged you in it with the caption, 'the last show feels getting to her 😂'. you laughed while shaking your head and you posted that onto your story.

he was with you throughout this entire tour and you couldn't be more grateful for his presence. he was always there to comfort you when it got too overwhelming on stage and always blew a kiss from the crowd.

you walked back to backstage and got changed for the meet and greet. you walked through many corridors until you found your dressing room and you changed into a customised shirt and over sized pants. it was a very lazy outfit.

you entered the area where the meet & greet was being held and you immediately heard screams from the fans. you smiled and wave at them.

"hello my baby's!" you shout and they scream even louder. you wait for the screams to lessen and the first fan comes up to you. she immediately engulfs you into a hug. you rock her back and forth and you pull away from the hug. you see that she has little tears running down her cheek so you wipe them away with your thumb.

"oh my god, it's really you." she whimpers and you laugh.

"yeah man, it's me. please don't cry over me." you say and she laughs. she goes through her gift bag and gives you figurine of your car. your mother fucking lambo and yes, you have a lamborghini.

"oh my god, where did you get this? it's so cute." you say and she giggles.

"i actually found it in my dads car figurine collection. i begged and begged and begged if i could give it to you and he said yes over three weeks of begging." she explains and you laugh.

"awww, it's so cute. thank you so much." you say and she then hands you a drawing of you with finneas.

"this is my last gift and i did draw this. i just adore your relationship with him and his family as well. y'all are like my parents, please adopt me." she says jokingly and you laugh.

"this is beautiful, you're really talented." you say and you give her a hug.

"pose for the camera?" you ask and she shakes her head.

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