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Alicia into the seat next to Aaron's, grinning

The team had gone straight from the stadium to the airport. After the doubleheader in Washington, DC, they needed to be back in NewYork for tomorrow's game against the Mariners.

"Hi," she told him.

"Hi." There was a sad undertone in his voice as he looked out the window.

"Can I text you so we don't have to deal with the.. evesdroppers?" Alicia glanced behind her to here Didi was smiling at them through the hole between the seats.

"Sure," aaron said weekly. They pulled there phones out.

Imessage !


- judgey
- a

Judgey - 11:13 pm
What is it

11:13 pm - a
What's wrong?

Judgey - 11:13 pm

11:13 pm - a
Spare me

Judgey - 11:14 pm
I just really sucked today.
It got me down, that's all

11:14 pm - a
Are you sure that's all?

Judgey - 11:14 pm
Judgey - 11:14 pm
My ex has me down a bit
But really, that's it

11:15 pm - a
Got you.

"Can I.." his breath caught in his throat and his hand gripped the armrest tightly. "Can I tell u now? Out loud? I feel like I'm going to cry."

When she put her phone down, she noticed the tears in his eyes, his trembling hands. She noded and said softly, "or course, Aaron."

"Jen.. she, um, she didn't like to come to my games? I don't know why. She wasn't like u are, a. She was loud and loved parties and gatherings, so I can't see why she hated baseball games." He shook his head slightly, staring at their feet. "After last years homerun derby, I.. wasn't doing too well. Slumping, I mean."

"I know." Alicia glanced away from him, embarrassed. "I mean, I'd been an intern for the Yankees since I turned eighteen. Through this, I was studying analytics for them for years. So I know what you were going through, on the numbers side atleast. But keep going, sorry."

His hands stopped shaking and he seemed to get a better grip on himself.  "no, it's fine. I, uh.. while I was in the slump, Jen just.. she wasn't herself? Before, she acted like she was so in love with me, and after, she just.. couldn't stand me. And it's like, I feel like.."

She patiently waited for him to finish whatever he was trying to say. When he didn't, she said, "it's okay, I understand."

"How could you?" His fave was so sad, and she felt his pain in her heart.

"Because I know what you're talking about? To a certain extent. Not the same situation, but.. dee messed me up a little. So I get what your saying about Jen." Alicia couldn't meet his eyes, she didn't particularly like talking about her relationship with dee.

"Dee like dee Gordon, right? He plays for the mariners?" Aaron asked.

He nodded. They were quite for a moment, before Aaron said, "I guess what I was trying to say was.. I feel like everytime I slump, I'm replaying the end of me and jens relationship, and it hurts so much that it keeps me from getting better."

Alicia shook her head. "You'd didn't do bad today, Aaron."

Hearing her voice say his name made him feel all warm inside, but this time he shook his head. "What did I have, nine at-bats today in the doubleheader?"

"Ten," she answered automatically. "Five strikeouts, four walks, and one groundout." Aaron gave her a look, she felt heat rising to her face as she mumbled, "sorry."

He grinned at her. "You really memorize all this?"

"Yeah." She smiles at the ground. "Listen, you're not doing half bad. Sure, you're striking out, but you're also getting on base, and that's good. And as far the slumps, I'm here to help with whatever you need. That's a promise."

"Thanks, sweetie. Really." He sent her a smile. It was tired and held a small bit of sadness, but it was a smile.

"No more heart-to-hearts!" Giancarlo exclaimed from the seat behind them. Alcock turned around to see Didi and Giancarlo sitting next to each other, grinning. "We're taking off."


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