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When Alicia got to the field, she was only looking for Aaron. Finally, she spotted him at the batting cages.

She tapped her foot, trying to make a decision. After a few seconds, she marched over to the cage. She didn't interrupt, just stood there, waiting for his turn to be up. She noticed, worried, that Arron had been hitting quite a few grounders.

The hitting coach stopped, sighing. "Okay judge, get out of here. Stanton's up now."

"Look, I'm sorry," he started, but when he turned, he saw Alicia staring at him and the words died instantly. Aaron cleared his throat and looked back at the coach. "Uh, I'm distracted. I'll go focus up."

He tried to brush past Alicia, but she grabbed his arm, catching him by surprise. "What is wrong with you?" She said angrily.

"Me?" He scoffed, suddenly mad. "What's wrong with you a?"

"What do you mean?" She atill didn't know what he was talking about, and it was only pissing her off.

"I thought there were no secrets between us - I was so open with you about Jen, I've told you things about me and her that I havnt even told them!" He gestured to their friends, who were in the visitors dugout and had long noticed the argument. Didi, Gelyber, and Miguel stared back at them confused, Didi spread his hands out in a what's going on? Gesture.

"I knew it." She adjusted the Yankees hat on her head, moving some of the curled out of her face. "I knew this was about Dee."

Aaron rubbed his eyes, tired. He didn't try to say anything that would disregard what she'd said.

Something about those actions aggravated her more, and she said, "I'm not dating him! I havnt even talked to him since we were home!"

Now, he was confused. "Wait, but Christian said..."

"Christian didn't know the facts, he was probably going off some stupid ass thing Giancarlo told him! Why were you looking at my phone?"

For a moment, he was motionless. He opened his mouth to say something else dumb, but she stopped him, a sarcastic laugh escaping her lips. "I have to talk to Boone. About Gary's stats. Go talk to the hitting coach, your swing is off."

He watched as she walked off, mumbling curses under her breath. He felt some bad feeling building up in his stomach, and before he knew it, he was yelling, "wait!"

She shook her head, not bothering to turn around. Gary was next to Didi now, and Didi pointed around her. She became somewhat anxious, thinking that they were talking about her now.

Didi gestured wildly to get her attention, and motioned for them to get to talk by jerking his thumb behind him. She shook her head and pointed to Boone, who was in the distance. Didi shook his head in reply, motioning more frantically. She sighed, drifting over to where Didi, Gleyber, and Miguel hung around.

"Are you okay?" Miguel asked, a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, Aaron's been moody all day and he should have not taken that out on you," Gleyber added.

"I'm fine. We're fine, we're... great. She tried to brush it off, but Didi invaded her in a hug. "Didiiii, stop." When he didn't, she started laughing. "Didi, stop!"

"Okay," he srugged, and pulled away from her. "Now go talk to Gary. Don't be awkward."

He pushed Alicia toward Gary, and she had to dig her heels into the ground so she wouldn't crash into him. She said weakly, "hi stats?"

 She said weakly, "hi stats?"

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