01. the beginning

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Penelope Sullivan is not an inherently quiet girl. In fact, for a brief portion of her childhood, she had quite enjoyed talking. Her mother was one of the best conversationalists Penny had ever met. Edith Sullivan could take the surliest person and have them hanging on her every perfectly enunciated word by the end of the conversation. Young Penny strived to be even a bit as intriguing and intelligent as her mother.

However, after her mother's untimely death at the hands of an incurable illness, Penelope learned quickly that sometimes days were better if she just kept her mouth shut and followed directions. 

Penelope couldn't recall the exact moment she realized her father was quite nasty.

Perhaps the lashing for speaking out of turn.

Or the boot to the side for not following direction.

Possibly even the bruise to the jaw for forgetting a chore.

All the young blonde girl could recollect was that when her mother had been alive, he had been a charming man who brought home gifts and took care of his family. But after Edith's premature passing, he had become bitter inside and filled with such an enormous anger. So with nowhere else to place his fury, he aimed it towards his only child who held such an uncanny resemblance to his late wife.

Penelope had hoped for many years that perhaps he did still care her, and that he put her through so much for her own good. 

Eight years since her mother's death, and it had become fairly apparent that there was very little actual discipline to the man's actions.

Her only escape from the torment being the week every month when her father would head down to Charlottetown in order to sell the furniture he made in their family barn.

Luckily, however, the world had given her flowers. Penelope Sullivan had an infinity for the beautiful blooms. She could name almost every species that grew in Avonlea and what they meant. They made her feel not quite so alone. They conveyed the love that Penny so rarely felt.

This led to the current path the blue eyed girl was on, gripping a basket full of groceries in her arms as she strolled down The Avenue, a beautiful path filled with white blossoms that gave the blonde girl a sense of calming peace. It was a bit off course of her usual walk home but with her father away, there was no need to be home punctually.

Her brown boots sunk lightly into the mud as her raised hand glided across the flowers. The fragrant scents floating around her soothingly.

"Apple blossoms," Penelope whispered to herself, recalling the book of flowers and their meanings she had managed to pull from her mother's belongings before they were taken, "The flower of preference"

A nicker of a horse brought her out of her revery and a sudden youthful cry caught her attention.

"Why hello!"

Penelope turned to the voice and was shocked to find a young red-haired girl, perhaps a year younger than herself, perched atop the Cuthbert's of Green Gables' buggy. Matthew Cuthbert tipped his hat in slight greeting as they passed her, and the girl beside him waved enthusiastically.

Penny couldn't find it in herself to ignore the obviously delighted grin and did all she could to send back a small smile and lift her hand in response to the two.

"Hello..." Penelope whispered in mild confusion, knowing they wouldn't hear her but hoping the sentiment was felt. She had heard rumors that the Cuthbert's were looking for help on Green Gables but she hadn't expected the vivacious freckled girl on Matthew Cuthbert's buggy.

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