19. a final farewell and a new beginning

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Then, in the depths of her despair, came that voice. The voice that was always there to save her, and continued to be there to save her, "Penelope?"

Gilbert Blythe kneeled next to the prone girl who had folded into herself so tightly it seemed as though the grip hurt, "Are you alright?"

"I can't- Please- I-I," Penny forced out through terrified breaths, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"

"Penelope, it's me," Gilbert urged, hands hovering over the girl, not knowing if his touch would comfort or harm her, "It's Gilbert,"

"Gilbert?" Penny was able to heave, looking upwards with hazy eyes.

"Yes, yes," Gilbert tried his best to hold eye contact despite Penny's seemingly unseeing gaze, "I think you're having a panic attack, you have to breathe,"

"Breathe?" Penny seemed to just then realize that her breathing had unsteadied, "I can't- I can't"

"You can," Gilbert tried to remain calm but as her lips seemed to purple from lack of air, his facade was breaking. Without thought and before he could regret, he reached forwards gently and took one of her small hands in his own and placed it to his chest, "Follow me, come on. In. Out. In. Out."

Penny tried her best to follow the rhythm Gilbert had set with his own breathing. The dizziness in her head and numbness in her extremities seemed to fade the longer she followed.

Soon enough the girl was breathing normally again and had collapsed against the wall in exhaustion.

"Penelope?" Gilbert asked gently, releasing the girls hand as she regained normal respiratory rates, "What happened?"

"I thought I was getting better," Penelope hummed sadly, holding her hands to her chest as they suddenly seemed quite cold, "I was doing so well... then he yelled,"

"The man in the store?"

Penny simply nodded as she lowered her face, "I'm a failure. Weak,"

"Stop," Gilbert's face distorted faintly, "You are one of the strongest people I have ever met. Not all damage is physical. It's going to take more than a few weeks to recover,"

"I wish it didn't," Penny sniffed lightly, "I just want him gone,"

"I know," Gilbert's face softened before he stood and offered a hand to the girl, "How about we get you somewhere a bit warmer, hm?"

"I think I'd like that," Penny grabbed his proffered hand and stood, letting him lead her towards a nearby tea shop.

After Gilbert ordered, they sat in companionably silence before Penny spoke up.

"So, is this the beginning to your adventure? Charlottetown?" She asked slowly, trying to let her body relax and stop the small buzzing that remained in the back of her head.

"I've found work on the docks, actually," Gilbert spoke so casually, as if he hadn't found her lying weakly on the side walk.

"Oh? Do you like that?" She asked softly.

"It's a means to an end," He shrugged, "I hope to get hired on a steamer soon,"

"That sounds like an adventure alright," Penny blew gently on her tea, "I've found work as well, at the bakery in Avonlea,"

"That's fantastic," Gilbert nodded before pausing briefly, "But why?"

"I've spent so long under the thumb of another," Penny nearly whispered and Gilbert had to lean in slightly to hear, "I want something for myself,"

"I guess that's why we get along so well," Gilbert teased, "A bit of selfishness never hurt anyone,"

"Isn't that right," Penny smiled, "That's actually why I agreed to come help Anne, as sad as that might be. This is my first time out of Avonlea. The world is so beautiful,"

𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 | gilbert blytheWhere stories live. Discover now