02. flowers are friendship

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The first day of school was always stressful for Penelope, another year of hiding her bruises and coming up with an inane amount of excuses. Despite this, it was also an exciting time for her as it was another 8 hours that she wouldn't have to spend under her father's watchful eye.

Penelope felt all her worldly troubles drift away the moment she set foot into her favorite flower spot. Only slightly out of her way from the usual path she took to school, flowers grew abundantly alongside the dirt trail and Penny could never stop herself from going to examine them and enjoy the beauty of the blossoms around her.

Leaning forward and breathing deeply, her body felt light as the fragrance relaxed her and the sounds of birds chirping around her soothed her soul.

"Oh! Hello!"

It was that same voice, that same one that had drawn her attention two days ago as it called to her from across the road. It was the thin red-haired girl, a straw hat on her head and school supplies in her grasp.

"You're that girl! From the White Way of Delight!" She grinned as she bounded forwards, "My name is Anne. With an E, of course"

"Um, it's a pleasure" Penelope felt her eyes widen at the girl who just the other day had run away sobbing, "My name is Penelope. Penelope Sullivan."

"Oh, Penelope!" Anne placed a hand on her heart as if feeling faint, "What a beautifully tragic name, I simply adore it,"

"Thank you?" Penelope couldn't stop the meek smile that spread across her face despite her confusion, "I see you'll be attending school as well?"

"Oh, yes! I am awfully excited to go! I've been practicing how I'll introduce myself the whole walk, how does 'salutations' sound? I've also noticed how so very beautiful the flowers were and couldn't help but go slightly off path but now it seems I've lost my way so I'm beyond thrilled that I've found another student. Do you live around here?" Anne spoke rapidly and with many words, and Penelope had to keep her ears focused in order to catch every word.

"Not exactly, but I like flowers and I try to stop by if I can," Penelope noted, looking reverently back at the blossoms.

"I find flowers astounding as well," Anne agreed, "I thought of decorating my hat, it just seems so upsettingly dull for my first day of class,"

"Mm," Penelope nodded, and watched as Anne pulled a white and purple flower from the ground, "Maybe, uh, not that one,"

"Whatever do you mean?" Anne tilted her head in confusion.

"That's a columbine, they represent anxiousness and foolishness, not a first impression kind of flower," Penelope explained, and Anne smiled as Penny shared her knowledge with the inquisitive girl.

"Do you know much about flowers? Could you help me?" Anne asked, reaching forward to grab Penny's hand.

Penelope took a large step away as Anne raised her arms towards her. Her body following basic instinct to flinch backwards. Anne looked immediately startled before looking down in shame, perhaps thinking the girl didn't want to touch the lowly orphan.

Penelope frowned as she saw Anne's expression fall, wanting so desperately to grab the girl and tell her that it isn't her fault but her fear of contact caught up before she could control her reactions so Penelope did what she could to salvage the new friendship as she turned and began plucking flowers from the ground.

"I'd love to help you, Anne, how about the bluebells? They represent kindness," Penelope took the hat gently from Anne's hands and began to weave the flowers into it.

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