Excuses were something Penny had always excelled at, but it seemed that since her father had left so had her ability to create clever covers."Where are you going?" Anne had asked diligently, having been told by the Cuthberts to keep an eye on the healing girl.
"On a walk," Penny had shrugged as she slid the dark green dress that Marilla had made her on. It was practical and Anne had complained, but Penny adored it.
"By yourself?" Anne raised an eyebrow.
"No- I mean, yes" Penny ducked her head and blew air from her mouth in frustration as she finished clothing herself, pulling up her stockings.
"Whatever does that mean?" Anne looked confused before her face lit up, "Is it to meet a secret stranger? Oh, how scrumptiously mysterious! You must tell me, Penelope!"
"It's no one, really," Penny shook her head and left the bedroom only for Anne to follow her out the door and down the stairs.
"I will find out, you know, I'm known to be quite the sleuth," Anne crossed her arms confidently.
"Fine," Penny gave in, slumping her shoulders, "Gilbert Blythe asked me for a walk,"
"Gilbert Blythe?! How scandalous!" Anne seemed to be jumping for joy, despite her dislike for the boy, "Does Ruby know?"
"Of course not, not that it would matter if she did. We're just friends is all," Penny quickly looked to Anne as she bent over to tie up her boots, "But please don't tell her!"
"I promise," Anne said solemnly before lighting up in a smile once more, "So long as you tell me everything the moment you return!"
"Promise," Penny couldn't help the small giggle that left her mouth.
With the situation appeased, Penny slid on her jacket and pulled a hat over her head before slipping out the front door.
The walk to Gilberts home was becoming increasingly familiar, and Penny couldn't help but have a deep appreciation for the fact that she was comfortable going somewhere that wasn't school or the store.
Gilbert was already stood on the porch as Penny arrived.
"Sorry if I made you wait," Penny bit her lip nervously, adjusting her coat.
"No, not at all," Gilbert smiled gently at her, "I've been going outside a lot more in the recent days, feels a bit lonely inside,"
"I can imagine," Penny whispered, a saddened look crossing her face.
Gilbert nodded before shaking off the somber mood as he motioned with his head, "Shall we?"
Penny hummed as she followed Gilbert down the porch steps.
"Anywhere in mind?" Penny asked as they trekked along, her cheeks beginning to pink lightly at the cold.
"Not in particular," Gilbert shrugged.
"You said you had some things to talk about?" Penny reminded gently, as she outstretched her arm to let her hand rub across the bark of the trees. They pricked lightly and she felt her fingers grow a bit numb, but what freedom it was to feel.
"I do," Gilbert's face looked pensive, "Mr. Cuthbert approached me yesterday about helping on the orchard come spring,"
"That's mighty kind of him," Penny let a small smile lift her face, Matthew Cuthbert had been tremendously kind to her during her stay at Green Gables. He'd given her space, and as a quiet man by nature never asked too many questions for which she was very grateful.

𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 | gilbert blythe
Fanfiction❝SHE YEARNED TO BE LIKE A WILDFLOWER; BEAUTIFUL, FIERCE, AND FREE❞ in which a young girl with a proclivity for silence, is finally able to face her deepest fears and bring light to her dark life. and perhaps she gets a bit of help along the way from...