Kapitel 40

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Harrys POV:

Lying next to Lisa, holding her and just casually talking about unimportant things for hours is something I could do for the rest of my life. It may sound boring for everyone else but I loved it and I think so did she.

It's still unrealistic to have a baby so soon and I'm worried I won't be there enough for her but I'll give my best. I have to.

"Harry?", she asks.


"Are you scared of becoming a dad?"

"Are you?" I don't want to answer 'Yes, I am!' because it would only drive her crazy and concerned.

"Yeah... Sometimes I'm really worried. Just imagine; what if she is ugly?" She looks quite sad down on her belly. I pull her a bit closer so her head rests on my chest.

"You are so beautiful Lisa, she won't be ugly! And even if she would be, I'd still love her to death.", I answer truthfully. She seems pleased with that and drops the topic.

"Oh speaking of beautiful, I've still got your present." I give it to her and she unpacks the gift excitedly.

Lisa raises the white jumper on which it says 'If you're Nutella'. "Aww cute!" I undress my waistcoat to show her my jumper because I have the matching one 'I'm the bread'.

"Now we can show that we belong together." She kisses me thankfully.

"Harry this means a lot to me!"

I answer pertly: "I know." Then I take off the silver necklace with the heart lavaliere I gave to her in London.

Lisas eyes widen. "You wore it the whole time?"

I nod. "Do you want it back?"

"Yess." Her eyes are shining brightly. I dress her the chain and she thanks me again. From the living room table she grabs her phone. I watch her opening the front camera to admire the chain.

She turns to me. "Why does every fan meeting you backstage get a picture with you but I don't?"

Yeah, she is right. We should have taken a picture together earlier.

"I dunno. Let's take a selfie now!" I take her phone and shoot a snap. We both look at it.

"Oh my god, I look terrible!", she screams.

"No, you don't! Just take a look on my stupid ass grin.", I laugh.

"Harry you're always good looking. Shut up!", she pouts childishly. I kiss her cheek.

"You don't know, oh oh, you don't know you're beautiful." I sing in her ear.

"Did you know that because of this song I became a Directioner?" She sounds excited while talking about her story -or should I say our story?

"Really?" I thought she liked One Direction since The X-Factor.

"Yeah. It was on the radio and I really liked it so I googled it the following day. And there was a video..." She stops mid sentence.

"What kind of video?"

"An acoustic version of 'What makes you beautiful'... I immediately fell for you. Right in the first second." Why is she so insecurely talking about her feelings for me?

"You know I fell for you when you stood in the crowd." Lisa smiles happily. Oh my god what if we hadn't met, I can't remember my life before her. "Imagine you hadn't googled the song and didn't get a ticket for the gig or I wouldn't have sung to you and you wouldn't have fainted..."

"... I wouldn't be pregnant now!", she laughs. Yeah, that's right... "I love you Harry! I can't tell you often enough to show you how much I love you." Lisa eyes me amorously.

"I've never loved someone as deeply as I love you, except my family of course. But I guess you two will be part of my family soon."

She looks kinda confused. Oh, does she think I want to marry her soon? Shit! I hate this awkward silence because I don't know how to react.

"Who did you tell about my pregnancy?", she asks lost in thoughts.

"Only my mum and Gemma. Rosa already knew about it."

She inspects my face carefully. "You didn't tell the boys yet?" I shake my head. "Harry, you have to tell them!", she pushes.

"Calm down. You are the one who took five months to tell me about her." I say a bit annoyed.

She tilts her head and faces the wall. "That was something different."

"Lisa..." I try to get her attention back but she keeps being the stubborn girl she is. "I don't want to fight you but it's exactly the same. You should have told me earlier." I sigh. "However I'm lucky you told me at all. Just attempt to see it from my point of view. I need time, OK?"

After I told her my opinion, her head falls into her hands and all of a sudden she starts sobbing. Fuck! Of fucking course you had to overdo it!

I'm hopeless at comforting girls so I just put my arm around her. "I'm sorry, it shouldn't sound so mean..."

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