Kapitel 3

853 55 9

Harrys POV:

Shit! I fucked it up!

I quickly bend down to Paul: "There is a pretty blonde over there. I think she just fainted...Please help her!"

Being the lifesaver he is, Paul jumps above the barrier and searches for the girl.

Every second passing by I get more worried and more worried about her... What is it about her that makes me care so much for her? I feel slightly better when he gives me a sign that he found her.

A few paramedics are now running to the accident. They lift her on a stretcher and wheel her out of my view.

Suddenly I feel Niall carefully touching my shoulder. "Did you point at her while singing?"

"Uhm.. yeah..." I admit a little embarrassed. A cheeky smile is now all over his face. I guess he finds her hot and something about this makes me uncomfortable.

"... So I hope everybody had a great time tonight! We have only one song left. It's 'BEST SONG EVER'!" In the background I hear Louis' voice but I can't pay attention. Is she ok?

I hear the intro of a song. I think it's 'Best Song Ever' so I have to sing my solo every second but I can't. I can't remember the lyrics. I open my eyes again and run off the stage.

Did they take her to hospital? Is she already awake? I catch myself thinking about her permanently.

"Where is she Paul?" I ask a bit breathless.

"Harry you should be on stage! You're missing your solo!" He says angrily. Well, I know I shouldn't push him any further now but I have to know whether she's fine or not.

"If I can't see her now, I won't go back on stage!" I threaten.

I've never seen Paul so angry before but he finally walks to the musicians room. I follow close behind him. Before he opens the door he gives me a warning glare to be careful with her. I nod and step into the room.

It's slightly dimmed and I can barely see. After a few seconds my eyes get used to the darkness and I can make out the sofa.

My heart starts beating faster when I see her. The blue blanket barely covers her so I carefully put it above her body. I sit down next to her.

She looks like an angel. Her blonde long hair is perfectly curled. She didn't put much make up on so it only emphasizes her beauty. Her outfit is in no way bitchy like some other girls I saw tonight.

I notice a curl that fell into her face. Cautious I lean over her and brush it out of her face. My hand touches her skin. It's warm and extremly soft. From the canthus I see her eyelids flutter. Unsure what to do I pull my hand away.

"Harold!! Here you are! We've been looking for you everywh-" Louis shouts through the room.

"Pssst!!" I cut him off. Didn't he notice the lovely girl next to me?

"Oh sry" He mouths and quietly walks over to us.

"I this the one you pointed at?" he asks with a knowing smile.

I nod.

"She looks gorgeous." I nod again. She really is.

I haven't heard her voice yet and I don't even know her name but stomach is already full of butterflies. Gosh, I think I have a crush on this girl.

And by the grin in Louis' face I can tell that he knows it as well.


Endlich *-*♡

Dieses Kapitel ist komplett auf Englisch. Ich hoffe ihr kommt damit gut zurecht wenn ich  deutsch und englisch schreibe ;D

Das Kapitel ist für @_corii__ weil sie einfach die Beste ist :**

Warum ich?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt