Chapter 1

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(y/n) POV

Mama took me to Vale for some reason, I didn't know why but I didn't mind since Mama was here, "Ok bud go play." Mama said as I began to run off, "Wait come back." She said as she zip-tied something to one of my belt loops, "There good parenting done now go raise hell." She said as I ran off.

I was gone for about ten seconds before I got lost...and it took me about twenty minutes of constant wandering to realize that I was lost. "Mama?" I said as I began to tear up, "Hey there kiddo are ya lost or something?" A strange man asked I nodded, "Name's Qrow, I'll help ya out." He said as he looked at what Mama put on my belt loop. "Hi, my name is (y/n) if lost please return to Tai Yang Xaio Long." He read, "Oh there's more." He said, "Tai it's Raven, give me back my son or he's going to hurt you. How? Well, cause I know you and that you read out loud and that means I can get you to say grimm in front of (y/n). You said it didn't you, well good luck with that." He read.

Qrow POV

"Tai it's Raven, give me back my son or he's going to hurt you. How? Well, cause I know you and that you read out loud and that means I can get you to say grimm in front of (y/n). You said it didn't you, well good luck with that." I read suddenly (y/n) got a terrified look in his eyes, suddenly I heard a lot of people screaming and when I looked at what was going on I saw an enormous Beowulf. Several huntsmen tried to kill it, but nothing they did worked. I did the one thing I could think to do...I called my sister. "RAVEN! COME GET THE KID!" I said suddenly a portal opened and my sister walked out of it, "You said the g-word didn't you." She said smugly.

(y/n) POV

"Hey, hey it's alright. Everything is ok." Mama said as she comforted me, "That's my idiot brother and your idiot uncle." She said as she pointed at Qrow, "He said the bad word didn't he?" She said I nodded, "Well Mommy's here now and everything will be alright now." She said as the grimm vanished, "There we go. Are you ok now?" She asked I nodded, "Wanna wear Mommy's helmet?" She asked I nodded and she put the helmet on me, "There, now you look scary just like Mommy." She said as she picked me up, "Let's go home bud." She said as she opened a portal and took me back to the tribe. "Oh I probably should have mentioned you have an older sister but I don't think you'll ever meet her." She said.

Don't Fear the Dark (male child reader X adoptive mother Raven Branwen)Where stories live. Discover now