Chapter 6

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(y/n) POV 

"(y/n), bud it's time to wake up." Ruby said, "Sissy?" I said groggily, "Yang and Blake all went out shopping." She said, "Hey, good news, Yang had our dad call your mom and convince her to let you stay here to watch the Vytal Tournament tomorrow." She said. "Come on, let's go have some breakfast, and then we can color on Weiss's homework." She said as I got out of Yang's bed. 

"Hey there (y/n), did you sleep well?" Yang asked, "Yeah." I said, "That's good, I was worried that you'd be scared sleeping in my bed since we don't have the...safest sleeping arrangements." She said, "So what did you and Ruby do while we were out?" She asked as she picked me up, "Color." I said, "Well there's no scribbles on the walls, so what did you color on?" She asked, "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HOMEWORK?!" Weiss said, "That." I said, "(y/n)...good job." Yang said, "Let's see what you drew." She said as she took Weiss's homework from her, "HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!" Weiss said, "Weiss this is the homework for next semester. You don't need it." Yang said as she looked at my drawing as Weiss and Ruby left, "Mama!" I said as I pointed at the picture, "You look up to her don't you." Yang said, "Yeah." I said, "Well don't, she'll just disappoint you in the end. It's been seventeen years and I'm positive that nothing's changed." She said coldly, "Yang you don't know that." Blake said as she took me from Yang, "YES I DO!" Yang shouted, her eyes turned red just like Mama's, she scared me so I clung to Blake, "How do you know Yang?" Blake asked, "If she's changed then why isn't she here?" Yang asked, "Really that's what you're upset about?" Blake said, "Yeah I guess so." Yang said as Blake comforted me, "Yang you're being childish! You want proof your mother's changed? Then look right here at your brother! If she hasn't changed then why is he here, why does he call her his mother?" Blake said, "She might have disappointed you but that has nothing to do with him. So stop looking at (y/n) and CHOOSING to see the childhood with your mother that you never had and just be happy that she's starting to change for the better and be happy that you have an adorable baby brother now." Blake said, "(y/n)..." Yang said as she reached for me, "No, I'm taking (y/n) and you are staying here to cool down. You scared him badly Yang all because you were jealous. You need to think about what kind of sister you wanna be." Blake said as she carried me away. 

"Are you alright (y/n)?" Blake asked I nodded, "Alright well how about we go get some ice cream, would you like that?" She asked, "Yeah." I said softly.

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