Oogami Koga - Confusion

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Requested by: EnstarsVic123


A/N: this is an AU where Anzu is in 2B instead of 2A!!

Side note, sorry for uploading so slowly, I'm trying to keep up in school while writing this so I hope you guys can bear with me :") but I'll try to upload at least once a week?!? Well, hope you guys enjoyyy!


Oogami Koga. His name alone evoked confusion and annoyance. Ever since your disastrous first meeting, when the male literally stood on you and made you pass out, every interaction with him was infuriating.

After leaving the infirmary from a checkup the morning after he caused you to pass out, Mao brought you to your classroom to introduce you to your classmates.

The moment you stepped into the classroom you were only greeted by a scowl on the ashen haired male's face. He clicked his tongue. "Hah, what are you doing here?"

From that second meeting, things only went downhill...

In class he would treat you rudely.

"Er, Oogami-kun what was the homework for to-"

Koga stood up and gathered his things, ignoring your question. "Tch. Don't talk to me," The ashen haired male stomped out of the classroom.

In the corridor, he would completely disregard you.

"M-morning Oogami-kun," you were reluctant to greet him, but you were always taught to be polite.

"You don't need greet me and tell me you're here, I can smell your girly smell from a mile away."

"Well I didn't know I was a girl," you angrily mutter to yourself, walking away from the annoyed male.

You thought that due to the male's obvious scorn for you, he would avoid you. But it seemed to be the other way around, and you literally meet him no matter where you went.

If you were walking to the student council room, you could probably find him loitering around that level, ready to spit out a nasty comment about you.

Or if you were going to the practice rooms to meet other units, he would probably be along the corridor, giving you the stink eye.

For some reason, your luck was so bad you would see him almost everywhere you go. Your unpleasant interactions with the ashen haired male had become so frequent you were starting to get annoyed. In fact, you were so annoyed that he was always on your mind, making you even more angry. You wanted to rant and complain to someone about how much he occupied your mind and distracted you on the daily.

Your irritation aside, you felt really misunderstood. You didn't know what you did to even offend him. Honestly, with how your first meeting went, the one that should be offended was you, not him.

Once again, the male was on your mind as you were walking through the corridors. Caught up in your thoughts, you didn't notice the older Sakuma brother infront of you, causing you to bump into him and fall on the floor.

"Woah there, Jou-chan you alright?" the older ravenette questioned, offering his hand to pull you up.

You take his hand and haul yourself up, scratching your head with your other hand, embarrassed. "Yeah I'm fine, sorry about that... Rei-senpai, where are you going?"

The older male yawned, "I'm looking for the corgi of course, we have practice today. Actually, he's been disappearing alot lately, I wonder what he's up to..." The older male's crimson eyes bored into yours as if implying something.

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