Sena Izumi - Can't help it

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A/N: hey guys I've been suuuper busy the past week with homework, projects, proposals, and boy am I tired. I've been feeling pretty tired and sleeping past 2am for the past few days so I'm writing a self indulgent one shot no one requested for (oops) to de-stress a little. I'm so sorry to the people who have waited for their requests for a long time, I'll get to writing them ASAP!! I promise!! But thank you guys for all the support and voting for my chapters hehehe.


Yawning slightly as you put on your indoor shoes, you lift a hand to rub the sleepiness out of your eyes.

Last night, you were finishing several proposals that were due today and ended up only getting three hours of sleep. Yawning again, you trudge through the corridors, making your way to your classroom slowly.

"Cover your mouth when you yawn. I can't believe I had to witness such an unsightly thing first thing in the morning. Sooo~ annoying."

You whip your head around to find a certain grey-haired upperclassman glaring irritatedly at you.

Ever since you started producing for Knights, you always seemed to clash with that certain upperclassman. No matter what it was, the two of you would always be in a disagreement.

However, despite your constant bickering and arguments with the male, for some incredulous reason you seemed to have developed a crush on Izumi. You didn't know when it started, nor how it developed, but it is what it is. To be fair, your upperclassmen was pretty attractive, okay well really attractive. He was an idol after all. But his good looks are completely ruined by the words that come out of his mouth.

You tiredly rub your eyes again. "Well guess what senpai, I didn't want to see your face either."

"Tsk, shut up." The older male flicked your forehead before striding past you.

Seriously... why do I think that person is attractive, am I a masochist or something?? You sigh in exhaustion and dragged your feet up to your classroom.


As expected, you spent the whole day struggling to stay awake. Pinching your arm to keep yourself from falling asleep, secretly eating a sweet in hopes it would give you energy, splashing water on your face between every lesson...

Finally you got through the day. When the last class ended, after thanking the teacher, you check your schedule. You sigh to yourself, Knights had a training session today. You were hoping to be able to go home early today, but you couldn't. Oh my goodness, I don't want to see Senpai's face again.

You yawn again. Maybe I should go to the practice room first... I'm going to use lunch time to nap real quick...


It was approaching late afternoon, besides the students staying back for after school club activities, the school was fairly quiet. A certain grey haired male walked through the school gates, visibly annoyed.

"Stuupid, I can't believe Ou-sama left his phone in the practice room and now I have to take it for him."

The male climbed the stairs, skipping steps as he went. Reaching the practice room, he took out a key from his pocket, only to find that the room was unlocked. His feeling of irritation immediately vanished and were replaced with caution. There were only two keys to the room, one was with you, one was with Izumi. Knights' practice was cancelled today so the door shouldn't be unlocked.

The male silently pushed the door open, lightly stepping into the room, not making a single sound. The lights were on and on the table sat five bottles of water and a stack of neatly folded towels, as if the producer had came in and prepared for practice to start. But there wasn't any practice, so why...? Izumi was starting to feel confused as he looked around.

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