Suou Tsukasa - Sudden

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Requested by: anime4ever39


A/N: this is so funny, Knights is completely dominating my oneshots book HAHAHAHAHA

Like every member already has a oneshot and i'm writing my 3rd Tsukasa oneshot now?? (and i have a 4th one coming, as well as 2 more Arashi and 1 more izumi HAHAHA)

I'm not complaining though HAHAHAHA

Side note, sorry for posting a day late!! I was feeling super tired yesterday (and I'm sorry this was a REALLY bad oneshot i had like zero ideas SGHGQJHQUFJKDF shoutout to Tsukiuta13 for helping me fix this)


"Thanks for the good work!"

You wave goodbye to the members of Knights as they leave the practice room. You had just finished overseeing Knights' practice session and now they were all going home so you were staying back a little just to tidy things up.

Summer was approaching and the weather was starting to grow warmer and soon students would be switching to their summer uniforms. Feeling really hot, you were tempted to remove your blazer but you did not want to seem too lax or sloppy in front of Knights.

You look around the room, assuring yourself that there was no one left. You shrug off your blazer, throwing it onto your bag and rolled up the sleeves of your blouse to your elbows. You pull your hair up into a messy bun (A/N: or I guess you attempt to tie it if you have short hair HAHA) to expose your neck to the air in hopes to cool yourself down.

Ahh this feels much better...

After cooling down a little you started to clean up the room. You were moving some chairs back to their original spots in the room, when you suddenly heard the door behind you open, causing you to jump a little in surprise.

You shot your head around to see who had opened the door, tensing up a little, but visibly relaxing when you saw a familiar redhead standing at the door.

"Oh it's just you Suou-kun..." you sigh in relief at the realisation that it was Tsukasa that saw you dressed so casually.

You were always close to Tsukasa, constantly teasing him whenever you saw him. You were so close that you treated him like your very own younger brother. When he started calling you 'Onee-sama' you were delighted, it was refreshing to have such a polite and adorable underclassman call you as such. Compared to your actual cheeky younger brother, Tsukasa was a breath of fresh air.

Tsukasa himself also really liked being spoiled by you, although he thought your teasing was excessive. Unknowingly the redhead started to take a liking to you, and before he knew it his brotherly affection and admiration for you was starting to turn into a crush. Not that you noticed.

You shot a quick smile to the male before questioning, "Why're you still here? I thought you left already?"

"Ah, I am sorry to have bothered you, Onee-sama. I visited the restroom earlier and I came back to retrieve my bag..." your underclassman explained, offering a small smile.

You turn your head to the side of the room, your mouth forming the shape of an 'O' as you realised Tsukasa's bag was indeed still in the practice room.

"Onee-sama, do you need any help tidying up?" the younger male tilted his head slightly, offering his assistance. You smile and nodded gratefully.

The two of you tidied the room in a comfortable silence. After a while of cleaning, you notice that your underclassman had changed back to his school uniform earlier when he went to the restroom, causing you to raise an eyebrow.

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