Sakuma Rei - From the Past

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Requested by: smolsei


A/N: this one shot requested for rei to slip back into his 2nd year personality and I had quite a hard time conveying his thoughts and writing his speech patterns so I apologise in advance for the bad writing lol. Also I figured 2nd year rei wouldn't call the reader/Anzu "Jou-chan"  but something else so I decided he would call the reader/Anzu "girl" or something like that hope you guys don't mind...

Btw it would be better if you read the crossroads event translation for some background info on 2nd year Rei lol, I made a few references here and there

Side note did you guys see the new valentine's eve nightmare mv I'm so JAHSBSBSBWHSBSNDJ someonedmmesothatwecanscreamaboutittogether//slapped also happy valentine's day everyone!!


You scan through the papers messily scattered across your desk. You let your head fall onto your arms which are crossed on the table as you groan in exhaustion.

Arghhh why are there so many requests...

Summer break was approaching but your workload only seemed to increase. With the beginning of summer, came many requests for the units of Yumenosaki to do live performances. Of course, you were elated that the units you produced are getting work, however that also meant more work for you.

You were currently sitting in your classroom, trying to sort through the countless requests sent to the school.

You sigh and raise your head from the table. Slapping your cheeks to keep yourself awake, you start to sort the proposals according to each unit. By the time you were done, you noticed that the pile of Undead's requests was significantly higher as compared to the other units.

I'll have to confirm with Sakuma-senpai which events Undead wants to accept or not...

Recently, Undead has been really busy and they were doing lives almost everyday. Due to that, you had the opportunity to interact with Rei more than you normally would.

At first you thought the older ravenette was kind of weird, even creepy. But as you got to know him better, you realised how the charismatic male was actually pretty reliable.

You look out the window, only to find that the sun had almost completely set.

"It's already this late huh... Hopefully Kunugi-sensei doesn't find me loitering around campus grounds..." you mutter to yourself, yawning. "Maybe I'll be able to catch Sakuma-senpai in the light music clubroom..."

You packed up the rest of the documents into your bag, carrying the stack of Undead's requests in your arms.

You walk along the eerily quiet corridor. Normally Yumenosaki is bustling with noise and is rather chaotic, so the soundless building was pretty unsettling.

As you approach the door to the light music clubroom, you notice dark creepy shadows being cast along the corridor.

It really is getting late...

You gently knock on the door, "Excuse me, is anyone in?"

Receiving no reply, you push the door open and glance around, hoping to find your upperclassman in the clubroom.

Suddenly your eyes landed on the coffin in the middle of the room. You walk towards it to open it, praying the male was inside.

Before you could kneel down to open the coffin, you heard a soft click. The lid of the coffin slowly rises, revealing your upperclassman.

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