Chapter 1

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"Ben, No!" Luke screamed, as his green lightsaber crashed against his nephews Blue lightsaber.

But it was too late Ben had already brought down the roof of the Jedi tempel down on his master.

His mind blanked out and he had already found himself outside the temple covered in Flames the only light visible in the dark night. Innocent Children possibly burning Alive. And Dead Jedi mentors laying around it

He jumped to his feet and ran towards the Flaming temple, to try to save the others but before he could get close enough the tempel exploded into Flames and burned rock. All thoes innocent people dead.

"What is done cannot be un-done my dear boy. " Spoke by the voice that had been haunting the Poor Young jedi for months. The voice was smug a smile that could be heard.

"I never..I didnt want this " Ben cried He bowed his head in shame. He knew he had turned into the monster his Family feared he would be. He could never go home.

His surroundings vanished, there was no burning tempel, no dead Jedi Masters, no night Sky. Instead he found himself in an odd cave like place with a Small pool of water behind him. And at the back of cave Wall there was an odd like mirror.

Ben saw his reflection. It was him just him. Then he heard what sounded like a lightsaber igniting and in his reflection he saw a Bright Beam of red behind him he turned around to see Where it was coming from.

But there was nothing. Then what felt like cold mist drifted in and then struck Ben's body it crawled through him like Icy venom spreading to his Bones and he tried to fight the horrible feeling but it almost seemed useless. Every muscle in his body was withering in agony. He felt his brain loose conciousness as if someone was trying to take it over.

"Give in to your fate boy. " The cold voice ordered.

"S-stop." Ben muttered. He knew who it was.

"You can't fight your instincts, it's in your blood, Power runs in your veins you just need to Flip the Switch. " The cold voice said

Been felt his Strength being sucked out of him. He fell to his knees. The invasive venom was draining his conciousness. Crawling through his thoughts and ripping them away.

But before he could drift off into the Darkness. He heard a voice.

"Ben.. Fight it." A voice called to him.

"I-c-can't.." he trembeld in Fear as his body sudenly started to go Numb.

"You can, don't let your fear and anger drown you in darkness. Don't make the same mistakes as I did.
You aren't alone Ben."

The voice vanished and Ben was left alone with his withering Pain.

"You aren't strong enough to fight me boy.. give up. "The voice spoke again

"N-no" Ben groweld.

"You have no idea what you are capabel of, I can give you Power, No One would stand a chance against you. "

Ben's looked On to the glass wall but he no longer saw his reflection instead a Man in all Black clothing with an ignited Red lightsaber going through Han Solo's chest, Ben's Father. But in his Fathers last moment he caressed the monster who had stabbed him, before falling down into a Dark pit.

"No!" Ben screamed
The man in black turned to look at Ben. But to Ben's suprise the monster had the exact same face, hair and body as him. Because it was him. He had killed his own father.

"Let the past die, kill it If you have to,  that is the only way you can become what you were meant to be. " Said the Monster a s he stared at him with cold Eyes.

Ben New this would be a reality if he was to give in to the Darkside.

"No!" Ben yelled. As he reached out to the Wall and Black smoke Caused the monster to vanish.

Then there will be another.

And like that the icy venom had vanished Ben was alone and there was no parasitic creature crawling through his mind. He finally felt alone in his body. He fell to his Kees and Everything was quiet for a moment.

Then he heard a Scream.

"No!" A Young girl cried

"Hello? " Ben called. He turned and looked around but saw no one. It was pure darkness.

"Please help me! " She begged.

"Give me everything.. " The crule voice spoke again, but Ben knew it wasn't toward him.

He heard the girl scream again. She was witnessing the same pain he just went through.

"I'll help you! Where are you? " Ben called.

"Make it stop! Please! " She cried again.

Then there was silence

Ben looked back to the mirror and saw a dark mist on the other side of it
He walked towards it cautiously. He looked closer.

He heard her crying. She was on the other side of the wall. He couldn't get to her

"No! " She screamed.

She was snatched away. Stolen. She was gone he couldn't feel her presence anymore. But he knew she was still alive.

Ben tried to project his thoughts to her.
I'll find you again. He vowed.

He bowed his head in shame as he was left alone in silence. He looked to the wall And the red saber ignited in his reflection again but he wasn't the one who ignited it.

He shot up of his pillow quickly gasping in shock he looked to his window full of stars.

Back to being Bin. He thought

The rusty black droid J-6-11 sat in the co-pilot seat re wiring a compresser with some tools.

"Another nightmare ?" Asked the droid. Not turning his head.The droid had an odd like human voice it was soft and proper, but slightly concerned.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Bin rubbed his face and let out a heavy sigh.

"That is the 3rd one this week, Are you sure you are alright? " The droid pressed on.

"Yes J, I'm fine." He assured the droid. Bin ran his fingers through his hair.

"I can detect lies fairly well. " J announced

"J, really don't worry about it, it's not a big deal." Bin jumped out of bed

In only his black slacks, and proceeded to put on his white shirt and and black vest.

J sensed Bin was uneasy but decided not to push it, and stayed quiet. He didn't want to anger him

"We need to get going, The Mock Wing is almost out of fule. And we need more spare parts.Where's nearest junk yard?"

"That would be Jakku. " The droid reported.

"Then we need to get there fast.Who knows how many enemies are on our tail. " Although the life of smuggling wasn't easy, it was manageable.

Bin hopped into the pilot seat a switching the shift into hyperdrive having the ship soar through the sky.

"Next stop Jakku. " Bin chimed

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