We all know the classic Force awakens movie, with our Heroic Rey and our Brooding Ben/ Kylo.
But what if the roles were switched and it was Rey who fell to the dark side and not Ben Solo?
I do not own the Star Wars series or these characters.
First Order co-general Mounts, held his breath as he walked into Her chambers, his knees almost shaking. No on ever wanted to be the one who had to report bad news to her.
She was turned away facing the radars and trackers studying them silently. Her slender figure in her black Robes and her mask of black and grey. No one had ever seen her face, and no one ever dared to question why.
"Ma'am, we we're un able to acquire the BB-unit. " He felt his voice shake as he talked
She slowly turned her head but not all the way just enough to look at him. The air changed. It was colder but if felt thicker at the same time. She said nothing, waiting for him to continue.
"It escaped on a freighter from Jakku." He continued.
She stayed still. Still not turning he head all the way it seems she was looking down now.
"The droid... stole a freighter." She repeated in distortion, it filtered her voice everytime she wore the mask.
"Not exactly...it had help." Mounts said
She finally turned her head all the way now staring him down.
"We aren't affirmative, but we are almost sure it was from FN218-"
She ignited her blood red double sided light saber and began slalshing the radars and tech equipment brutally, for what seemed to several seconds. To general Mounts it seemed like it would never end.
Eventually she retreated her blade back into its place no longer visible. There was pure silence for a moment.
"Anything else? " She asked in a calm tone but she was still panting
"The two we're accompanied by A smuggler and his droid. "
The cold thick air struck General Mounts body lifting him up in the air. General mounts was suffocating but their was no hands around his neck just the cold thick air that followed her out-streched hand.
"What smuggler?" She spat.
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