Chapter 2

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Jay was a little annoyed about going to Jakku Bin had a reputation there. Some good and some bad.But Jay knew Bin could sweet talk his way of any situation if one were to happen. Once they landed the Mock wing onto the Sandy Dessert Bin was calm and almost excited.

Everyone who knows him calls him "Bin" Even Jay, It started off as a mistake but Bin never corrected them because if they knew his real name he might be in danger. So he still goes by "Bin"

Bin and Jay walked out of the ship and onto the hot sandy dessert, full of small huts and tired scavengers. They had been to Jakku several times so most of its citizens knew Bin for chaos. But some loved him for his charm. Which he knew who he had inherited it from.

A small smile formed on his face as they trottted through the tent shopping centers. They stopped at a tent which they had been too often.

"Well if it isn't my favorite wood carver. " Bin chuckled

Bin's friend Algara glanced up from from her wood carving, her small eyes wide. Her alien face overjoyed.

"Oh Bin, you've returned! I'm so happy to see you, how are you? You look handsome as always! ...Oh. And you brought your droid. " She scruched her nose

"Hello Algara, thank you it's nice to see you too. What do you have for sale today? " Bin smiled but Jay stayed quiet, Algara didn't like droids

"Oh you know, just regular Wood charms and jewlery, and dolls nothing so special. "

"Which charms do think would look good on me? " He smirked

"Oh Bin, no need to buy from me, I am happy just to be in your presence. "

"Nonsense, I make it a must to buy from you every time I visit. I owe you from hiding me from the gang of Ruffians first time I was here. And such fine charms are meant to be bought. I still cherish the wooden dice you made me. " Bin pulled out a black string looped around a pair of small wooden dice.

" Now I insist, what do you have for me? " Bin asked

"Well.. I have resistance symbols charms. "

"Isn't that a little risky?" Bin glanced around.

Jakku was neither a resistance nor a first order planet, but people should still be cautious of what they premote
But Algara always spoke her mind. She had no filter.

"Oh Bin you know I do not care about that I am honest, not to mention these charms pay vey well and I know you are no First order follower. " She accused

"You're right about that." Bin admitted

"I always tell you, you should join the resistance pilots, you fly so well. most impressive pilot I ever seen in my lifetime and I'm 190, that's still young."

"I have no desire to work with the Resistance, I only work for myself, you know that. But because I admire you so much I'll buy 5 charms, and while you're at it give me 15 of the wooden figures. " Bin smiled

Algara dropped the wooden charms in a small pouch and places the wooden dolls in a brown wool sack. Bin dropped 5 silver quartz

"Keep the change. It has been a pleasure, seeing you madam but I must be off I have more things to acquire, do you know where I can find a spare Selenium drive with 15 grams worth of code? "

"You want parts like that you go to Unkar Plutt. " Algara said.

Bin cringed "Not that guy! I can't stand him! "

"No one likes him Bin. " She continued carving.

"Alright then We'll be off now goodbye Algara. " They began to walk away

"Bye, Bin lovely seeing you! " She waved them off.

Bin placed the charm pouch in his pocket and carried the bag of dolls towards the orphanage. It was a very small broken down place but it was all Jakku could afford for the orphanage. Helga the foster parent saw Bin and Smiled bashfully. She fancied him quite a lot.

"Children! Pilot Bin is here! " Helga called.

The children ran out like a stampeed.

"Bin! " "You're back! " "You're here! " "We missed you! " "You've come to see us! " All the children pranced around him. A couple even hugged Jay.

"Yes I'm back, I've brought you gifts. " He lifted his wool bag into the air.

"Yay! " The all cheered.

He passed out the dolls to each small child. They all hugged him in gratitude. Ben loved visiting the orphanages it made him happy to bring joy to the sad faces of Jakku.

"Pilot Bin, can you tell us a story before you go??? " One of the children asked clinging to his leg.

He smiled "Of course I will!"

"Yay!" The children cheered again

Bin stood on the large rock and all the children sat on the near by smaller rocks.

"A couple days ago me and my trusty sidekick Jay were tangled up with the mob of the Carik clan. They were after us while we were in a fancy casino in Marik grove. "
He continued telling the true story if how they managed to fight the Low life Carik clan with violence and class and manage to steal their weaponry in an epic intense battle. He did not lie once

The children applauded with bright smiles after Bin declared the victory.

"Pilot Bin! I want to be just like you when I grow up. " A young boy praised.

He tried to smile and knelt down to the boy.
" Well I'm sure you will do much greater things than me, but you must remember to be safe and always be on the look for danger, to live a life like mine is dangerous, you must be careful. Understand ? "
The young boy nodded and smiled and hugged his hero.

Bin stood up.
"Alright I must be off now my young co pilots, I will come visit you again soon! " He announced

All the orphans gathered around their foster mother and waved goodbye .

"Bye pilot Bin! " They all cheered.

The two waved goodbye and began to walk to the other side of town.

"Look at you 'Bin master pilot smuggler/ hero.' " Jay mocked

"We both no I'm no hero. " Bin looked down.

"At least people admire you, you didn't have to buy the dolls and the charms, you didn't have to visit the orphanage but you did."Jay mumbled

"I guess." Bin replied.

The two continued to walk towards town as the bright sun beamed onto them. Watching them on their journey.

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