Chapter 5

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The storm troopers walked out of their ships all walking in sync. With one trooper leading the line with a red first order armor pad on one shoulder, meaning they were in charge.

The leader spotted BB-8, Finn, Bin, and Jay and pointed at them "There they are! Get them." He told his troops.

They all began running towards them with their blasters up.They started firing at the group, the group ducked down and began to run.

"We need to get to the ship! " Bin said as he turned his head and shot a couple storm troopers down with his blaster. Luckily Jay had a blaster as well and started shooting the storm troopers giving them some time to run. They ran between hutts and tents bumping into things while blasters we're firing behind them leaving poor innocent scavengers ducking in fear.

They ran towards the ships landing space filled with many kinds of ships. "Which ones your's?! " Finn asked

Bin pointed to the Mock wing"That one! "

But then the First order ships flying above fired upon it resulting in one big firey explosion.

"Well at least it was. " Bin grimaced

They began to run towards a different ship it was large yet very thin. Ben recognized the model. The First Order ships we're still firing at them. They made it to the ship Bin shot the lock off the door with his blaster and managed to get inside.

Ben hopped into the main pilot seat and fired up the engine and Jay jumped into the co-pilot seat and began checking the gears and pressing buttons.

Finn jumped onto the other seat that managed the blasters.

"Listen, the First order ships are loading up their missile that just blew up the Mockwing we have exactly 2 minutes to successfully not get blown up. Got that Finn? "

"What?!? I don't even know how to use these blasters! " Finn yelled as his seat started to move the more he moved the lever handels.

"Well you're gonna have to improvise!BB-8 hang on back there we're taking off! " Bin warned

BB-8 beeped in fear

Bin pulled the gear shift and they took off soaring the through the air. The whole shape shook BB-8 was pulled to the wall in result of it's speed.

"Finn load up the large missile they won't get to use their missile until ours is ready! "

Finn pressed the large button by the screen showing the timer of missile being at it's full power.

"The odds of this working are an affirmative 1 out of 10." Jay said while rewiring the compresser.

The first order we're firing at the ship but their aim was horrible and they were only using there small blasters

Finn started to fire at the smaller first order ships that were damaged easily. Within 3 blast to their engine the ships exploded . Finn had already knocked out 5 small tiefighters.

"Whoo! I'm getting the hang of this! " Finn laughed

Bin smiled as he stared zooming in between ships effortlessly and even managing to flip on it's side and slid between walls of the dessert Canyons while a the remaining ships flew over the tall dessert wall. He was doing so well, it felt natural. And something about this ship was warm, it felt like home. Ben couldn't place his finger on it.

Finn started firing on the 3 other small ships. Blowing them up in seconds.

The large ship was racing after them and it was the only one left.

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