The travel to a new home w/adventure

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In a car, a family was moving to their new home, in the car was Max and Angela Petrova with their daughter Britt in the backseat looking at a bouquet of flowers with a note in it.

I'm going to miss you Britt, your best friend Nina

Britt wasn't happy about the move as she looked at the bouquet but she heard her father's voice talking to her.

"Britt, Britt we're almost there." Max said"This really is in the middle of nowhere, I'm going to have to go to the next town to shop." Angela said"We'll just have to learn to like it." Max said

Britt was staring at the ceiling of her parents' car when she looked toward the driver seat hearing her dad talking again.

"Look Britt, there's your new school. Looks great, doesn't it?" Max asked her"It doesn't look so bad." Angela answeredBritt adjusted as she looked over at the school as they were passing it. She wasn't happy about the move and she didn't want to be away from all her friends."It's gonna stink, I liked my old school." Britt said as she adjusted but then looked at her flowers. She freaked out a bit and showed her mom "Mom, my flowers are dying." Britt said"I told you not to smother them like that, we'll put them in water when we get to our new home." Angela said as she looked out the window.Britt sighed "I finally get a bouquet and it's a good-bye present." Britt said as she got back in the back."Your father bought you a rose for your birthday, don't you remember?" Angela askedBritt folded her arms "Yeah, one. Just one rose isn't a bouquet."Angela handed the card that came with the flowers giving it to Britt. "Hold on to your card, I'm opening the window and quit whining it's fun to move to a new place it's an adventure." Angela said

The drive seemed long as Britt watched out the window, she didn't know what to expect when it came to this adventure her mom spoke of. Soon though her dad took a turn on a road then stopped.

"wait, did I take the wrong turn?" Max asked, "this can't be right."Angela was looking around then looked up "Look there's our house..." Angela said as the three of them looked out the window."Huh?" Max said"it's that blue one at the end." Angela saidMax blinked "Oh, you're right. I must have missed the turn off. This road should get us there." Britt was looking out the window at the little houses as she listened to her mom. "Honey, don't take a short cut you always get us lost." Angela said"trust me, it's going to work." Max assured herMax put the car in drive as he drove forward "what are those little stones? They look like houses." Britt asked"They're shrines. Some people think little spirits live there." Angela answered

Max drove into the forest way as they were making their way to their house. Britt wasn't so sure they'd gone the right way and looked at the front.

"Dad, I think we're lost." Britt said"We're fine. I got 4-wheel drive." Max said as he kept driving but it was a bit bumpy."Sit down please sweetie." Angela said

The drive was a bit bumpy and it was also a bit dangerous. Britt did her best to stay sitting down but with how shaky the car was getting and everything around her moving it was becoming quite hard to just sit.

"Honey, slow down you're gonna kill us." Angela saidThe car suddenly come to an abrupt halt as they looked at an old building."What this old building?" Angela asked"It looks like an entrance." Max said as he got out of the car and walked over to it. "Honey, get back in the car or we'll be late." Angela said but then heard the back-seat door open as Britt got out and put her flowers away. "Britt, oh for heavens sake."Max was still over by the entrance as he was taking a look at it. He put a hand on the opening and noticed it squeaked. "this building isn't old, it's fake. These stones are made of plaster" Max and Britt looked at the inside where it was dark, the wind was different as it was blowing into the building."the wind is trying to pull us in." Britt saidAngela got out of the car and walked over "What is it?" Angela asked"Come on, let's go in. I want to see what's on the other side." Max said to AngelaBritt felt strange and a bit weird about the whole thing as she looked up at her dad. "I'm not going! It gives me the creeps."Max looked down at her "Don't be such a scardy cat Britt." Max said to her then looked at Angela "Let's just take a look."Angela took a look at the inside "The movers will get to our house before we do." "It's alright, they've got the keys." Max said but Britt wasn't happy about the whole thing at all. "They can start without us."Angela cross her arms "Alright, just a quick look." She saidBritt wasn't happy about it "Forget it, I'm not going!" Britt said as she ran back to the car and then looked at them. "Come on you guys, let's get out of here."Max made a gesture with his hand "come on hunny, it'll be fun."Britt held her ground "I'm not going." Britt said firmly but looked at the weird statue in front of the place. It really freaked her out seeing it had two heads but when she looked back at her parents she gasped as they were walking in."Britt, then wait in the car then." Angela said to her as they walked in. "But mom!!" Britt said then looked at the statue seeing how weird it looked and ran after her mom. "Wait for me!"

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