Yami/Atem is hurt/Meeting Boh

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As everyone was turning in for bed, Aogaeru went back to the big tub where the filthy spirit that Britt had helped was. He looked through the boards looking for gold as he wanted to see if any gold was left over after everyone had dropped what they had found like Yubaba said.  No-face was in the tub and seen Aogaeru as he dropped a piece of gold on the floor. The little frog spirit picked it up and examined it.

"It's gold." He said then looked up "hey what are you doing? You're not supposed to be in there." He said to No-face.

He pointed at No-face "The bath is closed, get out of there you! Get out of there!" he said but no face had his hand out and gold was coming through.

Aogaeru picked up the gold as he caught what was on the floor. He looked at it "More gold" He said then looked at No-face "Are you? Are you giving it to me?" He asked as he saw No face have more gold appear in his hand and offered it to Aogaeru. He gulped as he saw No-face offering the gold to him. No-face was luring Aogaeru to him with the gold as he saw that Aogaeru had some greed. When Aogaeru approached and said "Give me!" No-face grabbed him and ate him.

It wasn't long before Chichiyaku heard all the noise and came to invesitage. As he walked in to where the big tub would be located he yelled "What's the meaning of all this?"

When he walked in he saw gold fall on the floor. When he looked up from where the gold was he seen No-face having gold in his hand and hearing Aogaeru voice coming from him.

"Hey Boss, I'm starving and I want you to serve me." He said

Chichiyaku gasped as he looked up at No-face "I know that voice." He said just as the voice of Aogaeru said "here, I'll pay ya." With gold falling down in his hands then he heard him say "and I want to take a bath too. Why don't you wake everyone up." As gold kept falling.

Britt had a bad dream as she dreamed about herself going to the pig pen alone even after she'd been told not to go alone by Atem. She'd gotten a gift from the water spirit and she'd wanted to take it to her parents in the dream but when she got there, they weren't in the stall she remembered. After that she woke from the dream and looked around for a minute before giving a relief sigh and saying "bad dream." But then she noticed the sleeping area next to her was empty.

"Lin?" She called out

Looking around she seen everyone was missing, she was the only one left asleep. So she got herself ready as she went outside and then looked seeing the water.

"Wow it really is the sea." Britt said, then she looked over seeing the pig pen from where she was standing. "I sure hope they're doing alright over there."

Looking up she seen smoke coming from the boiler room. "Kamaji lit the boiler already?" Britt said as she looked back out, "How long was I asleep?"

Everyone inside was being frantic as they kept moving. Britt made her way out to see everyone bringing out food and working even though it wasn't late out.

"Hey Bri" Lin said

Britt looked down at Lin "Oh Lin." Britt said as Lin was approaching her. "I was just coming to wake you up." Lin said with a smile then she showed her what was in her hand. "Look it's real gold."

Britt was a bit surprised to see it  "there's a new guest here whose loaded. He's giving gold away by the handful." Lin said to her

Inside the bathroom, No-face was still using Aogaeru voice as he kept eating and relaxed in the tub.

"Just keep the food coming, I want to eat everything!" Aogaeru voice said inside of No-face as he threw out gold.

"Who is the guest?" Britt asked Lin, "uh, who cares? Come on. Before Yubaba wakes up." Lin said as she went back down.

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