Chapter 4

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Kion and Fuli had dropped Bunga off at Hakuna Matata falls.  They were headed to the Back Lands.  It was safe as long as Makucha and his leap were gone.  Kion had made sure of that back at the Tree of Life; he didn't even know where they went.  Once they got to a spot, they both sat down.  Fuli put a paw over Kion's.

"Want to sing?"  she asked.

"Didn't we already with Beshte today?"  Kion asked.

"Not showing the hyenas around singing," Fuli said.  "Letting our feelings loose singing.  We're alone, and it'll be fun."

"I don't think we've ever sung alone together," Kion said.

"We haven't," Fuli said.  "It was always with the Guard.  And that one time with Makini."

"Makini?"  Kion asked.

"Oh," Fuli chuckled.  "Probably shouldn't have mentioned that."

"It was when I almost fought you, right?"  Kion asked.  "I can't believe that thought even crossed my mind."

"It's fine, Kion," Fuli assured.  "You weren't thinking straight.  I would've admitted my feelings then and there if Bunga hadn't interrupted.  I don't know if it would've worked, but it's something."


We've been through so much together


There's been both fun and pain


But now that we're alone


I can see that we're truly the same

[Kion & Fuli]

It's been years

And I know it seems impossible

But I know I see my future

With you

You'll be there by my side

We can walk together side by side

We'll hold our heads up with pride

Because I know it seems impossible,

But I know I see my future

With you


Looking over this land


I finally understand


That our hearts speak loud


So there's no need to shout

[Kion & Fuli]

It's been years

And I know it seems impossible

But I know I see my future

With you

You'll be there by my side

The Lion Guard: Lost Heart (#1)Where stories live. Discover now