Chapter 9

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Kion woke up with his foreleg over Fuli's chest.  He had fallen asleep like that, but it wasn't something he was used to.  Her fur was just as soft on her underbelly as the rest of her body.  It felt good to just be alone with his mate.  He had been alone with Rani before, but it wasn't the same.  This felt right.  Like he was finally doing what he was supposed to with his life.  Fuli suddenly stretched, rolling away from Kion onto her stomach.

"Let's go," she said.  "You agreed to race, didn't you?"

"Alright," Kion stood up.  The two cats walked out of the den.  "You know I can't beat you.  You're the fastest."

"And I couldn't beat you in a contest of strength," Fuli said.  "But running is a good way to start the morning."

"How 'bout a hunt after this?"  Kion asked.  It was how he and Rani had woken up.

"I'll try," Fuli said.  "But I'm not used to hunting with someone else.  Most of my hunts have been alone."

"But you can work well with other animals," Kion said.  "No matter how cold you make yourself seem, I know you're not.  And that's why I love you.  You're yourself."

"You're barely ever cold to other animals," Fuli said.  "I do love you because of that, but also because you're yourself.  And that would've made such a good confession of love."

"I know," Kion said.  "Alright.  Where are we racing to?"

At the Tree of Life, Rani woke up with her paw over Sira's chest, and Sira's paw over her chest.  She didn't move away.  It felt good to have Sira by her side.  Better than Kion.  But she didn't want to get ahead of herself.  If Sira didn't feel the same way, it wouldn't be good.  But Sira was purring.  He clearly felt the same way.  Sira licked the back of her ear, making her turn around, surprised.  She returned the lick on his cheek without thinking.  After a couple minutes of them just taking in each other presence, knowing that they were meant to be together, Rani caught Nirmala's scent coming up to them.  Sira noticed it, too, so he moved away from Rani, letting her greet her.

"Hey, Rani," Nirmala said.

"Hey, Nirmala," Rani said.

"I don't know if I should be on the Night Pride anymore," Nirmala explained.  "I've been getting worse."

"Thanks for telling me," Rani said.  "But before you go, what do you think of Sira replacing you?"

"Sira?"  Nirmala asked.  "He actually looks like he'd work well on the Night Pride.  I'd say he's a good choice.  He's not in the den by any chance?"

"He is," Rani said.  "If you want to talk to him."

"No, I think I'll leave it to you," Nirmala said.  "But I'm surprised you didn't ask him to be king with you."

"I don't want a repeat of what happened with Kion," Rani explained.

"That won't happen," Nirmala assured.  "I've seen how Sira acts around you.  And you two slept in the same den."

"I was thinking of asking my parents and my grandmother about it," Rani said.

"Okay," Nirmala waved her tail.  "Just don't forget to ask Sira about being on the Night Pride."

"I won't," Rani assured before walking into the den.  "Hey, Sira?"

"Yeah?"  Sira responded.

"Nirmala's expecting cubs, and she won't be able to be on the Night Pride," Rani said.  "What would you think of you replacing her?"

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