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I'm using the story intro in the first chapter in this update. It will just help the story make more since. So if you read that, just read it again—idk?

Xoxo, enjoy.

It took longer than expected for Hoseok, Jimin and NamJoon to find the group that was stealing their money. The gang was always moving around—almost like they just disappeared and reappeared every night.

However, the gang, found to be named TD, whatever that stood for, had a tendency to stick to a routine. That routine was studied and memorized by Hoseok and NamJoon, knowing they would be the ones to go in first. Although it wasn't hard for that said routine to be memorized.

They were professional money and people hunters, after all.

NamJoon had found out that it was a six member gain just like theirs, and that the boss was a male, but that was it. Although he did find that every night, except on Wednesdays, the gang TD would would strike on a new club. He also found that the gang was going in a line around the city, robbing every big and small money business. (Mostly clubs and underground strip clubs.) And they were just in luck, because a little over a week after Taehyung declared to find the money stealing gang, NamJoon tracked them down to see that they were most definitely going to hit up the club Sadist Heaven. Tonight.

An underground, very illegal ran, strip club.

NamJoon just needed to tell Taehyung.

"What do you want to do with him, Boss?" Asked the man with eyes that could kill, looking a imposing figure. The said boss was nonchalantly scraping dirt from beneath his nails with a blade, leaning against the wall as he witnessed the torture of their captive.

The authoritative man stayed quiet as he slowly walked towards his employee and the restrained and beaten male. The bosses
combat boots clunked against the cement floor with each deliberate step. Hands held behind his back, observing the man kneeling on the ground.

The man in charged squatted down in front of the other more weak, and frail male. The latter wasn't fighting, yelling, or protesting against his beatings. Instead, he let the men around him do what they wanted, seating to give in to their desires.

"So you don't want to speak, huh?" The bosses deep voice spoke eerily casual to the bruised male, as if they had been discussing the weather. "My men have you tied up, pinned down, and are willing to keep beating the shit out of you. Yet you still won't give him up?"

"I live for him, I die for him." The weaker man said, his voice rough from the abuse. "I will never give up his whereabouts. Not to someone like you."

"What did he do to earn such loyalty?" The boss mused, tapping his chin comically. "Not that it matters, everyone talks eventually."

"I will never give up his whereabouts," The captive continued,  "Not to someone like you."

The boss stared at the other male, a blank expression painting his features. That is; until he let out a loud, booming chuckle. Standing up and turning to one of his workers. "This guy." He chuckled, pointing his thumb back to the beaten man. The men in the room let out similar snickers, pleasing the boss.

The dark haired male turned around suddenly and brought his fist down, giving the weaker man a very harsh right hook.

"Ahh!" The man cried out in pain.

The boss stood up straight again, looking down at his fist. Across his fist laid polished Brass Knuckles as he clenched tightly. The boss took out a small cloth from his pocket and wiped over the brass, cleaning the thick red liquid from them.


"Yes sir?" The member immediately spoke up, on high alert for his orders.

"Kill him."

"Yes, Sir." Hoseok nodded once, smirking happily at his order. Happy to please his boss.

"Oh and," The man with dark hair looked at his employee. "Make it as slow as possible." The dark male's normally blank expression curved into a smirk.

"Of course, Sir." Hoseok bowed respectfully.

And with that, the boss left.

He was going to discover the location of his enemy. No matter the cost.

As Taehyung was walking through the underground halls, he ran into his hurrying Sargent.

"Oh, Boss. I was looking for you." NamJoon smiled, showing off his dimples, "I have good news." The older man stepped back from Taehyung, giving him his personal space.

"And?" Taehyung stared coldly, upset that, that was the fifth man this week and he still didn't know anything about where the shit-eating gang was.

"I found out that TD is going to be attacking 'Sadist Heaven' tonight." NamJoon smirked when he saw Taehyung's expression brighten lightly.

"Well isn't that grand?" Taehyung smirked evilly. "Call Hoseok, Jimin and our best fighters from the Wang gang."

NamJoon smirked more, he couldn't wait to end the people who stole his pay. "Of course, Sir." NamJoon bowed his head and walked away from Taehyung, getting his phone out to notify the others.

"Stupid fuckers, you can't even hide well." Taehyung whispered under his breath, talking to the air around him, but meaning it to be towards the gang he loathed.

He was finally going to get his revenge.

Taehyung was going to watch the life drain out of that leader's stupid fucking eyes.

And enjoy every second of it.


Oop- okay so. As you can tell, this is very very dark. A lot of sadist/psychopathic shit on Taehyung and his members' parts.

But you will understand when you hear about their backgrounds and what they went through when they were kids.
Or you won't, and in that case, you probably aren't going to enjoy this story.

I PURPLE YOU!!! Sorry for any spelling errors!

- Min ;)

Xoxo,- Min ;)

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