twentY ninE

110 5 24

*deep breath* I'm sorry.

WARNINGS: Gore, Gun Violence, Murder, Vulgar Language, Mentions if Physical Abuse and Past Rape.

DISCLAIMER: This chapter includes a member from an idol group. His actions in this work of fiction dose not reflect the real person in anyway. Please remember that.
No toxicity here!


"You want me? Come and get me." Jungkook growled lowly. He was fully prepared to fight to the death.

May the best win, dear uncle. Jungkook thought to himself.

"Jimin and Hoseok, get Taehyung out. The rest of you follow him. " Jungkook ordered while keeping eye contact with his uncle. He watching the corner of his eye as the two members take Taehyung away.

"N-No! W-Wait! Jungkoo-k!" Taehyung protested, ignoring his aching throat. It pained Jungkook to hear the older's cries, but he knew what he had to do.

However, he made the mistake of looking over at the older, smiling softly at him. It did stop Taehyung's cries, but it gave TeoJan the advantage.

In seconds, the old leader had called back up, being able to move now. Though, Jimin and Hoseok were able to get Taehyung out of the room, and so did the other members, Jungkook was targeted once again. At least three men coming in from doors that laid on the back sides of the room, behind TeoJan.

Jungkook observes TeoJan had no weapons on him, and made a split decision.

He bolted out the door.

Let's play a game, Uncle. It's called Cat and Mouse. I'm the mouse, you're the cat. Jungkook thought as he ran. Catch me if you can.

The young leader didn't know the building well at all, but he was a fast runner. Even if he didn't know the way around, he could surely fire the guards out, right?

Jungkook linked one of his guns in the holster on his side and kept the other at his other side, keeping a consistent pace to conserve energy.

Turn after turn, foreign hallway after foreign hallway. Jungkook passed countless doors that lead to rooms he didn't know. He came to a T in the hallways, two he could go down, one different from the other. He looked down one and then the other.

He heard yells from behind him, and yells from the left hallway, deep voices echoing through them.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Guess I'm going right." Jungkook panted. He turned down the right hallway and jogged down it, groaning lowly when he found it came to a dead end. He looked around, seeing a door on his left.

Stairs. The door read.

"Awesome." He cheered softly, not wanting to give away his whereabouts. The voices got louder as he opened the door.

"There! He's going for the stairs!" A deep voice boomed.

"Shit." Jungkook hissed, bolting for the staircase going up. Up is good, right? The young leader thought.

Skipping two steps at a time, Jungkook hurries io the stairs, adrenaline pumping through his blood. His heart raced and he felt his chest become tight with panic.

He started to realize that he could possibly not make it out of here in time. That he could possibly get shot—or get lost and caught by one of his uncle's men.

But now wasn't the time to hesitate, he knew. He needed to keep going. No matter the odds.

The sound of the door at the bottom of the stairs opening passed over Jungkook's head. Although, he did go faster, grabbing the cold metal railing of the stairs and using it as leverage.

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