twentY fivE

111 4 51

Hi Kittens~
Also, double update. Wow hah.

This is a heavy chapter, guys. Just be aware.

Warning: Mention of Rape, Physical Abuse, Violence and Vulgar Language


It took another day to find The Demise. Countless bar searches, city patrols, underground gang bribes, and countless hours on the dark web was what it took.

All of the members helped with this, of course. Each one desperate to find the fucker and his gang to get the money.

Sure, they could have done it by themselves, but Jungkook should pay for it too, they thought. Jungkook was the one who took that money, and he spent it. So, it's only fair that he has to pay.

He's the one who got them in this mess, the KS blamed.

Jimin was the one who found Jungkook in an underground night club. A expensive, illegally ran night club.

Of course Jungkook would be there.

Currently, though, Jimin had a knife to Jungkook's throat, his rage taking over. His best friend was being held captive, being beaten, tied up, and god knows what else. And it was Jungkook's fault. At least; that's how he saw it.

"I'm going to fucking slit your throat." Jimin gritted, pressing the blade harder into the younger's skin. The sharp object cut into Jungkook's neck, droplets of blood slowly trickling down to his collarbones.

"Wh-What— Min-" Jungkook choked over the blade. He tried to push Jimin off of him, but it was no use. Jimin was angry. And when Jimin was angry, no one could fully stop him.

"Taehyung is gone because of you." The older growled, free arm pressing Jungkook against the wall of a secluded hallway.

"Wh-a—" Jungkook stammered, shocked. His hands wrapped around Jimin's blade holding wrist, tightly, anything to ease the pain of the blade slicing into his neck.

"TeoJan, you remember him? Hm? The one you stole from. Yeah, he has Taehyung and wants his money back." The Captain pressed, knife cutting further. Jungkook gritted through the sting. "It's because of you he has Taehyung. If you had never left, then Taehyung wouldn't have gone out that night!"

That made Jungkook angry. If he didn't leave?! What about what Taehyung did? Had Jimin forgotten what he had done? Or did he not care. Jungkook assumes the latter.

"They have him tied up and beaten, Shithead! It's already been three days, and god knows what's happened to him in that time frame! And it's because of you!" Jimin was angry—grief-stricken. So many emotions playing around with his mind, over speaking any rational thinking and/or decision making.

He was fuming. Not just at Jungkook, but at TeoJan. And himself, for not doing something sooner. Anything sooner. And the world.

Fuck the world. Fuck the universe for doing this to him. To Taehyung. Was it because of their life style? All the people they've killed? Their greed and money-lust?

Needless to say, Jimin prayed last night. Prayed for God to forgive his sins and for him to wake up and this all be one big nightmare. That he could start over.

But his prayers would cease to be answered.

"J-Jimi-n stop—" Jungkook let out, closing his eyes tightly to bare through the pain. "Y-You're ga-nna kill me."

Jimin snapped back to reality. He realized he needed Jungkook for payment. No matter how badly he itches to slit the asshole's throat, gut him, and leave his mutilated body in a dirty ditch for the filth to feed on. For him to rot somewhere, alone.

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