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Exactly what the picture says.

Xoxo, Enjoy.


"Raven?" MoonByul speaks.

"Yes, Sargent Moon.B?" Jungkook speaks coldly as he loads his Gran Torino SS 45.acp.

"We have word that the gang Kill Squad is planning on sabotaging our heist tonight. What are your orders knowing this information." MoonByul speaks clearly, standing up straight.

Jungkook is quiet for a second as he thinks before he speaks. "We get to them first." He says as he finishes loading the gun. "Tell SeokJin to get the car. We are going to their base."

"Yes sir." MoonByul bows, smirking as she leaves Jungkook's office, letting him get ready.

MoonByul is the Sargent of The Demise. She works along side Jungkook and was his loyal protector and fighter. She was in charge of keeping everyone safe and secure when it came to the cops and heists gone wrong. Jungkook and her were extremely close, because they knew each other's boundaries and had known each other since they were broken middle schoolers.

They were all each other had. And when they met Yoongi and SeokJin, they started the gang. Because they needed money. And they needed a family. So they became each other's family—just not in the most healthy way.

"Yah! SeokJin-ah!" MoonByul yells when she sees SeokJin walking down the alway, situating the gun in his holster. The taller man turns around, nodding at MoonByul as she nears him. "We are going to Kill Squad's base. They were planning on sabotaging our plans for tonight. Since we can't afford to get arrested or cause a scene we are going to them. Apparently they are looking for us." MoonByul informs.

SeokJin nods. "Well. I guess I'll get Yoongi then. Let's head out." MoonByul nods.

* * *

The ear raping sound of the alarm went off, alerting everyone in the Kill Squad's mansion of a break in, making everyone rush to action without a second's thought.

Hoseok and Jimin rushed out of the shower, getting dressed as fast as they could, grabbing their guns, and bolting downstairs.

Sunmi ran to HyeJin's room and locked both of them in the emergency escape room that you could only get in with a personalized code. A code that changed every week.

NamJoon rushes to Taehyung's office, groaning loudly when the door was locked. The Sargent stood back and shot the handle in a certain way, making it unlock. In that moment, NamJoon was incredibly thankful they didn't make it more secure like they had been planning to.

When NamJoon got in, he saw a girl in black baggy cargo pants, with black combat boots, and a long sleeved, right black neck tight shirt tucked into the pants. She had a crossed belt reaching from her shoulders to the opposite side of her torso that held four mini throwing daggers and a gun at her right side, and the other side the gun holster was empty. She sat on on the windowsill and had a one of her legs sitting up on the sill with her arm resting on the raised knee and a gun in her hand.

Then he saw a guy behind Taehyung with a gun in his right hand, pointing at Kill Squad leader's head. There was also another man who NamJoon noticed to be very handsome standing on the right side of Taehyung's desk, gun also pointing at NamJoon's boss.

And finally, he saw a man with dark, dark brown hair and a suit sitting in the chair in front of Taehyung's desk, gun in hand, but his arm rested lazily against the armrest of the chair. He had eye contact with Taehyung. But no one spoke.

It was just silence.

Until Hoseok and Jimin ran, (stumbled), in.

"What the fuck? Who the fuck are you!?" Jimin yelled first, his loud mouth tendencies showing through the protectiveness he had for his boss. The Captain raised his gun pointing it at the guy who sat in front of Taehyung, getting ready to pull the trigger.

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