twentY eighT

107 4 13

Oh my...shit 'bout to get real.

WARNING: Vulgar Language, Murder/Gun Violence, Gore-ish, Mentions of Rape, Sexually Graphic Images.


"So we meet again, Jeon Jungkook." TeoJan's groggy voice rattled through the vague room. A voice Jungkook hoped—prayed—he'd never hear again. A voice that haunted his dreams, mind and boy for years.

"So we do," Jungkook growls, "Uncle."

MoonByul steps beside her leader, ready to assist him in any way. Ready to guard him from his long past abuser.

"It's been a while." TeoJan mentions, a sly, disgusting grin plastered across his face that only fueled Jungkook's desire to shoot him. "What? Six years almost?"

Jungkook gritted his teeth. "Yeah, six glorious years without the pathetic man that sits before me."

TeoJan chuckles awfully. "Oh come on, Son."

"I'm not your son. Barely your family." Jungkook spits, his tone dark and venomous. He hated his uncle and wants nothing more than to put a bullet right between the man's disgusting eyes—but he needed Taehyung first.

He needed to know Taehyung was okay.

TeoJan shrugs offhandedly. "Whatever you want to tell yourself. Although, that's not the reason I want you here." He smirks.

Jungkook gripped his gun handle harder. "We have your money."

"Good." TeoJan nods. "And we have called leader."

Jungkook felt his stomach twist, worry pooling deep within himself. The way that TeoJan had toned his sentence didn't sit well with Jungkook. Nothing about this sat well.

The young leader's eyes darkened more, his murderous gaze focused entirely on his disgusting excuse for a uncle. "No money until you give him to us. Taehyung for the money." Jungkook said, becoming slightly inpatient.

He didn't feel right about this.

TeoJan cocked an eyebrow, thinking over the proposal. He finally nodded once, saying nothing more to Jungkook. The vile man kept eye contact with his nephew but spoke to his men. "Bring him in."

Jungkook tried, he tried so hard, to keep his breathing controlled, to keep his focus on what he was here for. But, when one of the men left and came back dragging fragile-looking body by their arm, Jungkook felt himself lose control faster then he hoped.

The worker drug the body to halfway between TeoJan and Jungkook and dropped them harshly.

And sure enough, it was Taehyung. His malnourished body drowning in his dirtied and awfully torn clothes. He looked starved and pale. His beautiful honey-toned skin now a ivory color. The soft skin was spotted greatly with horribly dark bruises, red marks and cuts. His hair was greasy and messy—unkept.

Jungkook felt his heart break into a million pieces. Taehyung's body reminded him of himself—how he looked all those years ago.

The older leader always looked so strong, as he stood tall and confident. He always kept up a cold and dominant façade—but now...oh now, he looked so frail and beaten. He looked vulnerable and broken.

Kill and Demise - TaeKookWhere stories live. Discover now