Catching Spee

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North Carolina wheeled a metal dolly into the main common room as Prince of Wales and South Dakota slowly walked backwards heavily damaged, their eyes never leaving the dolly.

Both girls brandished their weapon of choice, Prince of Wales her sabre, South Dakota her tomahawk firmly in hand and pointed at a figure bound to the dolly.

Strapped to the wheeled prison was a heavily-damaged German ship-girl in only her underwear as she was blindfolded, masked, and gagged.

The random ship-girls in the common room looked on in fear and amazement as whoever was on that dolly had the full attention of 3 hardened battleship-girls.

North Carolina came to a stop, leaving the girl upright as she brought her trench shotgun to bear from her shoulder.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Deutschland stormed over with Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen in tow as the Allied ship-girls remained on alert.

"Let my sister go this instant!" The dark-haired German cruiser ordered as her comrades stood by silent, but ready.

"We're not doing that." North Carolina said sharply as Deutschland's hand's met her hips.

"And why not!?" Demanded the German cruiser, when a voice suddenly yelled out loudly behind her.

"Because I said so!" Enterprise marched into the room, looking around the common area with a smirk.

"Everyone clear out..., especially Iron-Bloods and Sakura." The random ship-girls just stared dumb-foundedly as North Carolina suddenly racked her shotgun.

"She said now GODDAMNIT!" The blonde barked, firing a shot into the ceiling as the room quickly dispersed.

The only sound was shutting doors now as the small group stood silently.

With the room almost empty, Enterprise walked behind the bar, set 4 glasses down and grabbed a bottle. She poured herself a drink and lifted it to her lips.

"Let her go!" Deutschland continued to bitch as Enterprise took the shot and slammed the glass down.

"Fuck it, have it your way... Cut her loose girls." North Carolina's eyes widened as she looked to the others.

"You're not seriously going to let this little psycho shit loose again are you?! Why don't we ask Illustrious and Hood laid up in dry dock!? Or better yet, HAVE HER BLOW UP IN OUR GODDAMN FACES AGAIN!" The blonde battleship yelled furiously as Prince and Dakota still held their weapons to Spee's neck.

"She IS an Iron-blood, so she IS the Iron-blood's problem now." The tall carrier said carelessly, waving over South and Prince as both joined her at the bar.

North Carolina could only shake her head in despair as she lowered her weapon.

"This is insane...." The battleship blonde turned to the dolly as she slowly lifted the blindfold.

The restrained German girl squinted her sapphire eyes from the light as she looked at her sister and smiled around the ball-gag.

"Hey sis..." Graf Spee began to blink repeatedly in Morse code as her sister nodded and turned to Enterprise.

"She's not going to cause anymore trouble, please let her go." Deutschland spoke formally as Hipper carelessly looked into the bound girl's eye's.

"I am Graf Spee... Sink me..."

Graf Spee's eyes began to glow brightly as they flickered wildly, hypnotizing the blonde cruiser.

"Sink...  Spee...?" Prinz tilted her head strangely behind the others, noticing something was wrong.

"Now Enterprise!" Deutschland demanded again as she suddenly saw a pair of hands in her peripheral vision.

The dark-haired girl's eyes widened completely bewildered as Admiral Hipper had her hands wrapped around Spee's throat, choking the life out of her.

"We gotta sink her Hehehahaha!" Hipper laughed insanely as Prinz grabbed her around the neck and yanked her back.

"Mine Gott...." Deutschland was frozen in place as she now watched her sister chewing through the ball gag in her mouth. The restraint dropped harmlessly to the floor as Enterprise and the 1st fleet tensed at the bar.

Graf Spee heard another foreign voice closing in as Hatakaze sung brightly to herself, skipping into the main room.

"Nooooo…." North Carolina sighed from the bar, grabbing her shotgun as Spee let out a high-pitched scream as it turned into an inaudible sound for normal ears.

A dog whistle pitch caused the Japanese girl to shriek loudly, grabbing her head as she dropped to the ground and rolled around.

Her pupils become dilated and more animal-like as her nails and fur grew in as well.

"Makeherstopmakeherstopmakeherstop!!!" The Japanese girl repeated wildly, jumping to her feet as she darted towards Graf Spee, foaming at the mouth.

"Deutschland! Do something!" Prinz demanded firmly as she roundhoused Hatakaze to the floor and held the feral Sakura girl by the neck with her boot.

"Oh my..., this won't do…" A strange voice called out as Spee felt a sharp prick in her left buttcheek. 

"Not YOU!?"

"Don't you think you've had enough fun for one afternoon Fraulein?" Spee looked over in horror as she knew that voice.

It was the German repair ship, draped in the blood red doctor's coat with a big black cross on the back.

She was the K.M.S. Mengele or as everyone called her.


The morphine was already rifling through the white-haired girl's body as Spee tried to mumble up a complaint.

"Shhhhhh Fraulein, rest now...." The brown-headed girl stuck another small needle into Spee's neck as she injected her again, hushing her quietly.

"I'm going to take good care of you now...." The menacing repair ship smiled darkly as she looked over at Enterprise and the 1st Fleet.

"Sorry for all the trouble, we'll be leaving now." The brown-haired girl held a creepy smile as she slowly tilted a groggy Spee on the dolly and wheeled her out.

The other Iron-Bloods followed her quietly as Hatakaze came back to normal and stood up, shaking her head.

"What just happened…?"

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