Monster Hunter

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"Get back here you monsters!" A British destroyer announced loudly through the RN hallway as she chased two ship-girls around on the main floor of the British dorm.

"I don't like this girl!" Terror yelled fearfully, squeezing her hand in Vampire's, who ran ahead of her.

"Neither do I, now shut up and keep running! We'll lose her in the basement." The two odd ship-girls rounded the corner swiftly as they almost slammed into H.M.S. Hood.

"Hey! No bloody running!!!" The older blonde battle-cruiser raised her hands full of papers as a few blew off the top.

"Sorry Lady Hood!" Terror yelled back woefully as her feet never slowed.

"Now!" Vampire popped smoke, while the monitor set a mine on the floor as the two hounded girls disappeared into it and headed to the lower levels.

"Halt!" Hunter turned the corner at flank speed as Hood lifted her hands again and sighed frustratingly.

Hunter just raced into the smoke carelessly as she heard a small click, looking down instantly she knew what it was.


The small ball blew up under her right foot as Hunter yelped, grabbing her lightly damaged limb.

"Clever monsters..." The brown-haired girl shook off the pain as she reached into her pocket and retrieved a small blue bottle.

She consumed it's healing contents and wiped her mouth as the pain was instantly numbed. Hunter's red eyes scanned the area as she inhaled deeply.


Hunter grabbed the doorknob to the basement and opened it.

"YOU CAN RUN! BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!" Hunter bellowed down the staircase as Vampire and Terror's feet clanked down the metal stairs and into one of the many hallways below.

The lower levels were a maze as most of the proper British uniformed ship-girls and maids stayed in the upper levels.

"Vampire! I'm losing steam, can we stop?" Terror groaned loudly as Vampire looked around.

"We need to keep moving! There!" Vampire popped more smoke as she pulled Terror to a large wooden door.


Vampire's eyes glowed as she stared at the door.

Nothing happened as she focused on the doorknob and waved her hand this time.

"Bloody Open! Cunt!"

Suddenly the door, along with dozens of others clicked open loudly as Hunter's ears perked up.

"Huh?!" Vampire was slightly caught off guard by this as she pulled Terror in and shut the door.

The other doors all closed at the same time as Hunter sneered, turning to her nose again.

"We should be ok now Terror... Terror?" Vampire's eyes glowed in the darkness as candles lit all around her.

"Y-Yeah?" Terror whimpered quietly as someone was standing behind her cupping her chin softly.


Vampire froze, realizing they had just jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"Duke of York!"

"What are you two tasty little morsels doing down here?" The pink-haired woman dressed in a Gothic gown smirked widely as she licked up the side of Terror's creamy, white neck.

"Just let her go and we'll just leave." Vampire tried to reason as York grinned hotly.

"Or what?" York's sharp fingernails cut the string lace down the front of Terror's uniform as she glared at Vampire, waiting for her to make a move.

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