Chapter 1 - New Teacher

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Hey guys! This story's about Kakashi and Sakura. Just letting you know this story is NOT a sequel or anything to my other story (My Hinata). This is totally different. Well, I hope you like it!

Chapter 1 - New Teacher

Sakura's POV

I arrive to my first period class, which happens to be Mr. Guy. I see him and study him for a bit. He has a short bowl hairstyle and very thick eyebrows and is wearing green tights, with a black belt around his waist. Not only that, but he's also wearing a green jacket with the Konoha High symbol on the back. Everything on him, for some reason, seems to be green.

He's grinning toward one student, Rock Lee, who's a big fan of his. Mr. Guy thinks he's so cool, talking about youth and how young he is to him. But in my opinion, that man is super weird.

I took a seat next to Ino Yamanaka, one of my best friends. She has long blond hair that's tied into a long ponytail. Her eyes are light blue, but her bangs cover one side of her face. I consider her one of the prettiest girls in Konoha High. 

When the bell rings, Mr. Guy takes the opportunity to announce something ridiculous. 

"Alright my students! Let's go outside and run 5 laps around the school." he says with pride.

"What the-? This is a social studies class isn't it? Not gym!" My classmate, Naruto Uzumaki, argues.

Mr. Guy grins. "Ah, yes it is Naruto. But I think you all deserve the exercise! It's a nice day out, so why not take advantage of it, am I right?" Mr. Guy walks out of the classroom, hoping we would all follow him.

"I'm with you Guy-sensei!" My other classmate, Rock Lee said, running after him.

We all just sat there looking at each other confused. After a good 2 minute of staring in space, (and realizing they weren't coming back) we all got up and followed them. They were, surprisingly, actually running around the school.

"Come on Lee! Don't give up just yet! We still have more laps to do!" Mr. Guy spoke through a megaphone speaker.

"Yes...(pant) y-your right (pant) Guy- sensei." Rock Lee replied, getting exhausted but still going.

My thoughts: These. People. Are. Nuts.

"Hey Sakura." I hear a voice behind me say.

"Huh?" I say and turn around to see Ino. 

"I'm curious, what classes did you get?" she asks me.

"Oh..." I take out a sheet of paper from my bag. "Oh I got all AP classes. Except for this class and one of my electives."

"What? Smarty pants. I got all regular classes. And I heard Hinata got all AP classes too."

"Really? Oh that's good. Now I won't be alone in class." She narrows her eyes at me. "What?" I ask.

"You won't be alone. But I will."

"Oh... oh my goodness, I'm sorry Ino." I say. 

She sighs. "No it's not your fault. It's mine. If only I would have studied and done my homework more often."

Yeah it is your fault. All you did was text and call your boyfriend while Hinata and I studied and did our homework. I thought

"I'm sure you'll be okay. After all, your really popular. Im pretty sure you'll find a new friend."

"Yeah...I hope your right." she sighs. I can't help but feel bad for her. Were really close friends. She may have been a lazy study buddy, but she was a good friend.

"3 more laps Lee!"

Kakashi's POV

It's my first day teaching here. I've never taught before here at Konoha high, but it shouldn't be that bad. The last school I was in was okay, but not so great. Maybe I should arrive early. After all, it's my first day. But then again what do I do? Watch all the kids come in one by one and greet them? Nah...I should just stay low and arrive at the time I should. I feel bad for those students who have Guy as their teacher. I remember him being a weirdo in class. Always talking about youth or something. He would challenge me on tests or classwork. To see who got most of them right. Of course I would win everytime, since I was the top student in all my classes. I heard he's teaching social studies. I take out a sheet a paper from my pocket. Let's see... i'll be teaching AP English, AP Calculus, AP Technology, and...Reading? Hm, don't remember signing up for that one. Oh well, the more classes, the better pay.

I get inside my car and drive to Konoha high. Hoping for a good day.

Sakura's POV

They're still at it.

"You can do it Lee! I believe I you!" Mr. Guy said. Lee was almost there at the finishing line (Mr. Guy spray painted a line on the concrete). Lee was really exhausted. But still kept going.

"I will make it Mr.Guy! Before the bell rings-"

The bell rings for second period. Lee falls on the ground. Naruto burts out laughing.

"Hahaha!!! Aw man you made my day Lee. See you at lunch!" Naruto walks away.

I walk away too and so did everyone else and look at my schedule:

1. Regular Social studies - Guy
2. AP Calculus - Hatake
3. AP English - Hatake
4. AP Physics - Hatake
5. AP Anatomy - Sarutobi
6. Culinary - Anko
7. AP Technology - Hatake

Who's Hatake? I've never heard that name before. Maybe he's new teacher? I just hope he's different from Mr. Guy, since he's going to be my teacher for most of my classes.

I search for the classroom but had no luck in finding it. Where could the classroom be? After searching for 3 minutes, the late bell rang. 

Oh no, I'm late!

I then, without looking, bumped into a guy and somehow fell on top of him. I stare at him in shock. He looks at me with his eyes wide. The dude has grayish dyed hair and, surprisingly, a mask on covering his mouth. My face immediately turns red. I quickly get off him.

"I-I'm sorry! I-It's just that I'm late and I can't find my class-" I start to explain but the dude cuts me off.

"No worries. I'm late for my class too. My students are probably wondering where I am." He says getting up. My face warms when I notice he's really hot. But then I realize something he said:

"Your students?" I ask, surprised. The guy looks really young.

"Yes. I'm a teacher at this school." He says.

"Oh." I stare at him, shocked. A teacher!? Holy...

"You said you were lost? What teacher do you have? Maybe I could help you." he says unsure of himself. Well, I know two heads are better than one, so I decided to take up his offer. 

"Oh well...I have..." I look at my paper again. "Hatake for AP Calculus." I finished. He smiled.

"Oh, thats easy. Come, i'll take you to the classroom." He turns around and walks down the hall. I follow him.

That guy is really cute for a teacher. I thought. I've never seen a teacher so hot! Is he single? Is he married? I blush. What am I thinking!? I have a boyfriend! I shouldn't be thinking such things!

Kakashi's POV:

I walk to my classroom, with the pretty pink haired student of mine trailing behind. I've never seen such a lovely young lady. For some reason, when we bumped into each other, I felt a vibe between us. But then again, I must have imagined it. I honestly didn't expect to bump into one of my students when I got here. But at least she didn't call me a pervert like some did in the last school I teached. She actually surprised me when she apologized. Which reminds me, I didn't get her name.

Sakura's POV

He stops at a door.

"What is your name?" He asks.

"Sakura. Sakura Haruno." I reply.

"Well, Sakura. Welcome to my class." He opens the door.

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