27. The Truth

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"No! Tell me what is this?!" I say looking at them confused.

"I don't know what is happening either" Amy says looking at me then back at Luke?

"If I tell you, you have to come back with us" he says and I look at him confused

"Tell me" I say getting louder

"You where always suppose to be with him, even before. Your designed to be together" he says and my stomach starts to twist.

"What?" I say looking at him confused

"Your existence is part of gods plan, I can only explain more if you come with me, you have to trust me Charolette" he says and I start to feel sick. Suddenly a portal forms on the ground and Amy looks at me and then to Luke before jumping in?

"Charolette, you have to. It will make sense soon" he says holding out his hand for me to take.

"Charolette" I hear Levi say from behind me and when I turn around he's across the forest frozen staring at me. I don't know what to do.

"Charolette please" Luke says stepping towards the portal.

"Charolette don't" Levi says and starting to walk towards me. What the hell am I supposed to do.

"Charolette don't do this" Levi says as he gets closer, I can see now he has tears in his eyes. Fuck.

Suddenly Luke grabs my hand and pulls me into the portal and the last thing I hear is Levi screaming my name as we are ripped through a blinding tunnel faster then the speed of light.

In seconds I find myself laying flat on the ground looking up at white everything. Heaven.

I sit up and find Luke and Amy standing beside me before Amy then puts out her hand and helps me up.

"Why did you do that?" I say looking at Luke confused

"I had to" he says and suddenly everything around us changes in an instant and we are in a dark room with a long table with several different people I don't recognize sitting around the table?

"This is gods direct disciples, they are the only people who can speak to the lord" Amy says just as shocked as I am. I watch as Luke walks across the room and sits down beside them?

"Amy, we need to ask you to leave" Luke says breaking the tables silence? Is he one of them? Is he one of gods direct disciples? What is happening. Suddenly Amy's walks away from me and out of the room leaving me to face all of these people alone. All of them are younger, younger than I would imagine. I don't think anyone ages here, god probably looks young too.

"Please, sit" a woman says near the end of the table so I slowly take the free seat at the end facing them all, there is probably 10-15 of them total.

"I'm assuming the mission was complete if she is here now" a man says across from Luke.

"What mission?" I ask, speaking up

"Yes" Luke says ignoring me

"What is this? What is happening?" I say demanding answers. I was promised answers.

"You're pregnant Charolette" the woman says now facing me. What?!

"The information we are about to share with you is extremely classified, do you understand" She says and I look over at Luke but he just stares down at the table away from me? I look back to her and nod before she continues.

"You are extremely important to the lord Charolette I want you to understand that. You where created with the specific intention to carry The hybrid sons child" she says and already nothing she's saying is making any sense.

"You where sent to hell with the intention to bring him out of the safety of hell and make him vulnerable. He ended up striking a deal that none of us saw coming and made it that much easier for us. It wasn't tell he tried to kill himself that we realized he can't be killed by one of us, he can only die from one of his own. That's where u came in. He loved you as a human, thats why we knew when you came back as an angel he would still love you and ignore his instincts. This was always the plan. The only thing that can kill a hybrid is another hybrid and you could never carry his span as a human.. but now u can" she says and I suddenly start to feel extremely sick.

"Do you understand what I'm saying to you" she says and I immediately shake my head no. Nothing is making sense.

"Your child will be a hybrid Charolette, the hybrid that will kill that abomination. He was never suppose to exist, the chances of his existence where astronomical, he was created by the biggest off chance the world has ever seen. This way your hybrid child will be raised in gods light and won't turn out like the evil leviathan became, he will be good" she says and it is now that I realize I'm crying?

"I'm pregnant?" I say as tears stream down my face. How?

"Your human form couldn't handle what your now Devine self can. The lord needs you Charolette and in return for your cooperation he's granting you a spot as one of his direct disciples"she says but nothing feels real. This was all part of the plan? That's why no one came to find me when me Luke and Levi where off travelling around or taken to hell?!

"I need a moment" I say standing up from the chair and walking to the door.

"Take your time" she says as I open the door and step out into a white everything. I turn around and it's just a door back in surround by white ground and sky.

Seconds later the door opens and Luke steps out?

"Leave me alone" I say pacing as he shuts the door behind himself.

"I'm sorry I wanted to tell you" he says

"Did you lead me back to him the whole time?" I say looking at him confused

"Yes" he says looking down at the ground. "I had too"

"Where were you last night" I say crying

"I had to give you space for it to happen" he says running his hands through his hair.

"Your not even a new angel are you, how old are you? Is your name even Luke?!" I cry

"Yes that's my name" he says looking at me

"How long have you been an angel?!" I say looking at him confused. I can't trust anyone.

"A few thousand" he says looking at the ground

"YEARS?!" I scream and he just keeps looking down and doesn't say anything.

"I trusted you" I say crying.

"I had to, you have to understand how big of a deal this is" he says finally

"I hate you, leave me alone" I say crying and he nods before going back into the room. What the hell is happening.

I couldn't tell you what came over me but I just started to run.

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