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Stella sits on a bench dedicated to Stefan Salvatore in the center of Mystic Falls. With a notebook in her lap, she keeps one eye on the bubbling Malivore portal and the other on her notebook. Her packed bag lies against her feet while Hope's sits next to her, abandoned by the witch who left to get snacks.

"Reporting for portal duty."

Stella looks up as Lizzie solutes her. Josie, twisting her hands together, is a step behind her sister. Stella nods at both of them with a soft smile on her face. "I see you brought back up."

Lizzie frowns. "Yeah, but I thought—"

"They were out of chocolate chip muffins, so I got you a croissant." Stella grimaces as she turns to watch Hope approach.

Hope pauses a few feet away, her eyes widening as Josie looks at her feet. Clearing her throat, Hope slowly lowers herself between Stella and the end of the bench, handing the witch her snack.

"So, this is nice, right?" Lizzie asks as she sits down on the other edge of the bench, leaving just enough room for Josie to squeeze next to Stella. The dark-haired girl crosses her legs so Josie has enough space. "Together again."

"It's great," Hope says without a hint of emotion.

"It's awesome," Josie grumbles.

Lizzie plasters a smile on her face. "I mean, for the two of you not to be talking to each other just because you're competing for the love of the same garden gnome..." She glances at the silent girls. "I think we're more evolved than that as women."


"Without a doubt."

"Good. Because, personally, I've never been better." Stella stifles her laugh as Lizzie smirks up at the sky. "My work paid off. My mind is sharp. All perceived mental breakdowns were a figment of my imagination fed by two manipulative vampires who will remain forever my enemies."

Stella purses her lips and asks, "So, how's Sebastian?"

Lizzie scoffs and frowns. "Headmaster Downton Abbey wants us to enroll him to keep him off the streets. But after deliberately letting me think that I was unwell, I will not let that happen."

"You should forgive MG," Josie says.


"He didn't want to hurt you," Stella adds, leaning forward just enough to see Lizzie's hair.

Lizzie shakes her head. "He hid things from me. Zero stars."

Josie lets her head hang down as she glances over at Hope. "He's not the only friend keeping secrets."

"I didn't want to hurt you either," Hope says.

"Yeah, well, zero stars." When Josie looks back over at Hope, she spies a crystal sticking out of her bag. "Is that what I think it is?"

Hope nods as she takes it from her bag and hands it to Josie. "Here. I don't need it anymore."


"Look at us," Lizzie grins. "Clear hearts and minds. Letting the power of our intellect rule the day over our emotions. Moving forward with dignity and grace." Lizzie wraps her arm around Josie, barely reaching Stella's shoulder with her fingers. "Stella, grab Hope and move in."

Stella arches an eyebrow. "Sorry, what now?"

"Uch, forget it!" Lizzie exclaims. "You ruined a girl power moment. Either way, I'm proud of us."

"Greetings, witches."

All four of them frown as they lean off of the bench. Sitting on the next bench is a man with clawed forearms and a flattened nose. Rolling her eyes, Stella stands with the rest of the group and crosses her arms. "Who the hell are you?"

Just Like Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [2]Where stories live. Discover now