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Teddy races up the hill to the walled castle, pausing just a few steps away from the barrier. As he reaches forward, it shimmers and whines against his skin but does not let him past. Some of the fog lightens as light flashes, a figure in armor fighting with a long sword against the Darkness.

"Stella!" He shouts, pounding on the wall. "Stella!"

"Turn back." He turns to see the bird flying behind him. "Go back, T."

After a moment, he asks, "It's you, isn't it?"

In a flash of silver, the bird disappears, leaving Stella in its place. Dark veins cover her face as she sends him a weak smile. "Hey, bro. Long time no see."

Teddy runs his eyes down her body as she falls to her knees. He is beside her instantly, holding her up. "Why are you this weak? Josie was fine."

"You freed Josie?" She asks. "That's good."

Lightning strikes inside the border.

"T, I can't fight it off much longer," she says, gripping his arms. "She wants something, and I can't fight anymore. She just keeps hurting the people I want to keep safe." Tears slip down her cheeks. "She killed—" She looks down. "I killed Lizzie."

"Lizzie's fine," Teddy says, cupping her face. "You didn't kill her. I just saw her in the real world. It wasn't your fault, ok? We all understand what black magic does. It's not your fault."

"She's too strong," Stella whimpers as her gaze flashes over to the barrier. "I've been fighting since I broke the Sandclock. She wins every time. I can't beat Nyx. I don't deserve to."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Teddy shakes his head.

Stella purses her lips as a sob escapes her lips. "I hurt Josie, and I keep hurting Josie every time I do something. Everything I do hurts her. I don't want to keep hurting her. I took away her free will because I was scared, and then Nyx wouldn't let go. She flooded Josie with dark magic to make sure no one noticed she was there. Everything Nyx does hurts Josie."

"You are not alone, Stella," Teddy takes her hands. "I am here with you, and I swear to you, we can defeat Nyx. Josie is waiting for you at home in the real world."

Suddenly, the rainbow barrier shatters, and dark fog spreads over them. The horn sounds once more but gets cut off by a scream in the distance. Stella shivers in place as Teddy helps her stand. "There you are," A voice says through the fog. "I've been waiting for you."

"Go away!" Stella shouts. "Just leave us alone! Please!"

"Not until I'm done." Nyx steps out from the shadows, tilting her head as she watches them. A green snake lies on her shoulders and hisses at the siblings. It slithers down to the ground and picks its head up, showing off the dripping fangs. "Hey, brother. This is between us girls." She flings her hand out, watching Teddy fly back down the hill.

Stella screams after him, but Nyx appears in front of her before she can move. "Why are you doing this?" Stella demands, her hands balled into fists. "Why?"

Nyx frowns. "This is what you want, isn't it? To free her?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Nyx scoffs, but she isn't expecting it. Stella's fist flies into her jaw. Nyx stumbles back with a gasp, but Stella keeps coming. Punch after punch until Nyx falls to her knees, begging to stop. "Enough, you idiot!" She shouts. "You don't understand—"

"You hurt the people I care about!" Stella exclaims through sobs. "Why should I let you go? I didn't even think I had the power to defeat you until..." Stella looks down at her. "Why'd you let me hit you?"

Just Like Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [2]Where stories live. Discover now