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Walking through the halls of the Salvatore School, Stella holds a small box in her hands and a bag resting on her back. Hope walks beside her with a smaller box and her head down, trying to avoid everyone's intense stares. "It'll be ok," Stella says softly as they stop by Hope's old room.

"I know," Hope sighs as she pushes the door open to reveal a bare, dusty room. "Guess I'll have to remake my room all over again with the nine things I own."

"I'll help after I move in." With a pat on her back, Stella moves down the hall, glancing at the last door on the left—the twins' room. Shaking her head, she pushes open the door to her own room.

Stuff fills almost every inch of the space. Purses dangle off of the door and clothes are strewn all over the ground. A tiny bed stands in the corner, untouched. A girl steps out from behind an ornate screen and rolls her eyes. "Oh," Alyssa Chang says with pursed lips. "It's just you."

"Uh, yeah." Stella adjusts the box to extend her hand. "I'm Stella. You must be Alyssa?"

She narrows her eyes. "Your side's over there. I like my stuff where it is, so don't touch it. Or I'll destroy you. Toodles!" Strutting out of the room, she bumps into Stella's shoulder.

The box clatters to the ground, despite Stella's attempts to keep it steady. "What a bitch," she mutters as she gathers her belongings. Placing the now-broken cardboard box on top of the unmade bed with a small dusty window just above. With a sigh, Stella runs a hand through her hair and looks around. "Schedule..." She runs her hand over her belongings, even searching through her bag. "Where did I put it?"

"Looking for this?" Stella looks up at Hope standing in the doorway with a piece of paper in her hands. "I found it on the floor in the hall."

"Yes, thank you." Stella takes the paper and glances over it. "Shall we walk to...spell lab? What the hell is that? Since when did we have a lab but not a music program?"

Hope shrugs as the two of them go down to the main floor and search. "Clarke, I'm guessing. He changed everything. I'm pretty sure I'm teaching the damn course, and I can't even find the classroom."

Both girls turn as Alaric steps out of his office. He frowns at them and checks his watch. "You're late for class. Or are you lost?"

"Both," Hope replies as Stella huffs, the hair in front of her face lifting for a moment. "Everything changed while we were gone. Where's spell lab? I think I'm teaching?"

Alaric clicks his tongue. "I think you're the TA. I'm pretty sure I kept your old classes for you. But I'm also out of the loop myself. I just like to stride confidently and nod in the hope that people don't figure that out." His gaze lands on Stella. "Speaking of being out of the loop, Lizzie and Josie are avoiding me."

"Why?" Stella asks. "Did you do something?"

"No!" He exclaims. "Maybe? I wouldn't know."

"Because they're avoiding you or because you're oblivious?" Stella quirks a brow. "Either way, both have been super busy: Lizzie with being mad at Sebastian and Josie with the whole Landon situation." She bites down on her lip. "Just give them some time. Everything should get back to normal again soon enough."

Alaric nods. "I hope so."

With a gasp, Hope points to the nearest classroom. "Spell lab—we should get going." With a hand on Stella's arm, Hope drags her to the threshold, but does not go in. She waits until Alaric's attention is directed elsewhere before she says, "You lied."

Stella purses her lips. "Yeah, Lizzie isn't so much avoiding Sebastian as she is getting in his pants." Hope makes a face. "And Josie's been handling the whole not getting chosen thing really well. I'm surprised. We just had, like, a movie night when Santa left. Weird gift."

"You sure she's ok?" Hope asks. "Because I'm pretty sure she's avoiding me."

Stella shrugs. "I'm not sure. Everything seems to be fine." Her gaze shifts to a frantic blonde walking up to them. "Hey, Lizzie," Stella greets. "You still have sex hair."

"Damn it!" She exclaims, bringing out a compact mirror and looking at herself. "Wait, no I don't." Stella fails to contain her laugh. "Not funny, Lava Girl."

"Says the one sleeping with the enemy," Hope chuckles. "I thought you hated Sebastian?"

"Technically," she replies, tilting her chin up. "Yes, I-I hate him. So much. Like, a lot...but he really turns me on. And the hate sex is just—"

Stella grabs hold of Lizzie's wrists before she can explain further. "We got it. You're getting laid—good for you. I'm sure you'd rather be doing that than spell lab. What do we even do?"

Lizzie rolls her eyes. "It's basic defensive spells. Like making a barrier, or invisique. People have a lot of trouble with that one."

"I'm skipping," Stella says with a wave of her hand. "Anyone want to join me?" Both girls shrug and follow Stella to the archive room. Digging through the dust and objects, Stella eventually pulls out a small guitar with a wide grin. "Lake, anyone?" She asks.

"Hell, yeah," Lizzie replies as they sneak out of the school down to the dock. Stella sits against the tree as Lizzie and Hope settle in front of her. Lizzie pulls out a comic book, making both girls stare at her. "What?" Lizzie asks. "It calms me down. Nothing like heroes in Spanx to get my mind of Sebastian."

"First off, gross," Hope says as Stella begins to tune the old guitar. "Second, how's Alyssa, Stella?"

Releasing a groan, Stella pouts. "She generously gave me 20% of her room with a broken bed and no privacy. Remind me again why I came back?"

Lizzie smirks and points behind her. When Stella looks up, she finds Josie at the edge of the lawn speaking with Landon and Sebastian. Her heart flutters in her chest as she surprises a grin. "Ok, You're right," Stella says as Lizzie and Hope high five. "Stop gloating, and let me finish tuning this poor guitar."

"Actually, that reminds me," Lizzie purses her lips. "She might need your help."

Shorter chapter than the last few but yes, Alyssa and Stella are roommates...Let's see how this will turn out. 

Hope you enjoyed!


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