T H I R T Y - S I X

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The Salvatore School is quiet as Nyx walks through it, her eyes tracing every crack in the walls or lip of the carpet. Most students are still sleeping this early in the morning, with just wisps of sunlight edging through the windows. She knows she's been seen as she steps into a classroom, plopping into the teacher's chair.

Nyx rests her feet on the desk before she spies the pictures sitting next to her boots. Narrowing her eyes at identical blue ones, she sighs and shakes her head before she puts the picture face down against the desk.

The door to the classroom opens and closes, but Nyx does not look up. The new arrival carefully walks through the desks before coming to the front row, leaning back against the nearest one and crossing her arms.

Nyx looks up with a grin. "Hey, Mom. I thought you'd be here."

Lexi Hale nods as she lets out a scoff. "To what do I owe this visit?" Despite her cold exterior, her tense shoulders give away her panic. "Your friend, MG, saw you come in here. I thought it best I follow and find out what you want."

"Right down to business then?" Nyx arches a brow as she laces her fingers. "Not even a hello?"

Lexi shakes her head. "I want to know why you're here."

Nyx narrows her eyes and tilts her head. "You're scared."

"I am not scared of you," Lexi replies. "I'm scared for my daughter. What have you done to my Stella?"

Pursing her lips, Nyx stands and places her hands into her pockets. "I come bearing gifts. Gifts I'm sure you'd be very interested in. I'm actually glad I caught you alone before Dr. Saltzman tries to lock me up. You know he thinks I'm the bad guy?" She scoffs as she takes a small box from her jacket pocket. "I may not be good, but I'm not the real villain here."

"Yes, I heard about the Necromancer," Lexi says with her eyes on the box. "What have you brought?"

Nyx pulls it away before Lexi can grab it. "I have a few questions first. Questions only you can answer."

Nodding, Lexi leans back against the desk and crosses her arms. "Ask away, darling."

As she clenches her jaw, Nyx shifts her weight. "Do you think I'm powerful?" A hint of apprehension seeps into her voice.

"Of course, I do."

"And do you think that because of me or because I am an eljun?"

"My daughter is more powerful than you know," Lexi replies as she straightens her back. "Even before the bond, Stella was an incredibly powerful witch."

Nyx glances down. "More powerful than the tribrid?"

Lexi sighs and presses her lips together. "There is no way to tell. Power is not just physical—it is emotional and mental. Power comes from control. Hope never had that; you do. I taught my children how to survive, but Hope never learned that."

"You haven't answered my question," Nyx says, her eyes flashing black. "Am I powerful enough to—"

"Defeat the tribrid?" Lexi shrugs. "No."

Taking two steps, Nyx stares up into Lexi's eyes with a glare. "You just said I was powerful."

"And you are, but you lack something Hope has an abundance of. You lack allies. You lack control. You lack desire."

"I have plenty of allies," Nyx replies as she steps back, holding up her hand and flicking out a finger. "I have Josette—she's all I need." She flicks another her finger out. "I have an endgame." She picks up a third finger. "And I am in complete control."

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