T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Josie sits alone in the closet of the karaoke bar, a bandana around her mouth, ropes around her wrists, and salt marking the doorway. Though the smell of sage in the air meant the creatures outside could not hear her, she could hear everything they told her father, how Jade took him to play some sick game with the bluff of knowing her location. The only one missing is Stella.

Jade had said she killed her, but that couldn't be true. Josie would feel it. Alaric would know if Stella were dead—the whole world would be in flames. But Jade had insisted. Why?

Footsteps echo through the bar. Josie goes still in her struggles against the ropes.

The door opens as Stella limps through, destroying the salt line and falling to her knees in front of Josie, the bag slipping off of her back and the hourglass rolling out. "Oh thank god," Stella breathes as she pulls the bandana away and gets to work removing the ropes. "I thought they found you."

"What the hell, Stella?" Josie demands. "What happened?"

Stella chuckles weakly as blood trickles down her forehead. "I screwed over Uncle Kai," she says, leaning back on her legs as Josie rubs her sore wrists. "So, we should probably figure out a new way out of here. He'll be coming for me soon."

Josie shakes her head, kneeling beside Stella. She cups the girl's face in her hands. "What did you do?" Josie asks.

"I couldn't let you do it," Stella says. "I could tell you wanted answers so much—it made you manipulable." She hangs her head. "I thought I could deal with him so you wouldn't have to, so you would be safe. I-I got away from Jade, sliced the knife right through her stomach. His spell didn't last long, but she got me, Jo." She tilts her head, allowing light to shine on the bite mark scarring her neck. Blood runs down her right hand, a rip in her jacket showing a slice through her forearm from the knife forgotten in the woods.

"No, no, no, no," Josie whispers, her hands glowing red as she siphons Stella's magic. She places her palm over the wound and closes her eyes, focusing on the skin stitching itself together.

Stella gasps as air flows through her throat once more. "You did it," she whispers before she lunges forward, hugging Josie tightly. "I'm sorry I knocked you out," she says with a sigh. "I just wanted to keep you safe."

"Maybe you're too much like your mom," Josie says as she pulls back. "Look, Jade's got my dad, and I have no idea where Lizzie is. We have to find them."

The phone rings; Stella's gaze jerks towards it, narrowing at the landline.

Josie frowns as Stella stands, slowly walking over to the phone. "Why is someone calling the bar?" She asks as she stands, gently picking up the hourglass.

Stella shakes her head before she gently picks up the phone. "Who is this?"

"Thank god you're still alive. I was worried sick." Stella's heartbeat quickens as Kai chuckles. "Hey, I got to say, I'm not even mad about the whole blood con. Borderline proud, even."

"Bullshit, Kai." Josie straightens her back, placing the Sandclock next to her own version as Stella grips the receiver. "You can't feel that."

"You're right. I'm mad. I'm always mad. But in a fun, completely unpredictable sort of way. It keeps you on your toes."

Stella shakes her head as Josie tries to listen in. The witch pulls away, sneering, "You'll never get back, you know. And you'll hate yourself as much as I hate you."

"That's such a Mikaelson thing to say. Hate myself as much as you hate me."

Stella goes still.

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