"Hey beautiful." Grayson says once I wake up. He is sitting on the edge of my bed.
"What happened?"
"You fainted. Your body wasn't able to handle the stress in the moment.." He says sadly.
"Oh.." I say while sitting up.
"Careful, don't want you passing out again." He jokes.
"Funny." I say sarcastically.
"Hanna and Ethan went to the cafeteria to bring you cake. It was someone's birthday so they decided to go and sneak some cake out." Grayson says trying to make me feel better.
"Oh." Is all I say. Then there is a knock on the door.
"Hey, glad to see you're doing well. Mind if we have a little talk?" The doctor walks in.
"I guess." I say without emotion.
"Sir, if you wouldn't mind stepping out." The doctor says to Grayson.
"Oh, yeah. Sure." Grayson stands up, kisses my cheek, and walks out.
Once the door shuts, the doctor clears his throat to speak.
"Well, I've got some good news for you-"
"Oh really?" I say harshly.
"Um, uh yes." He clears his throat again. "Your bloodwork came back in and everything seems to be okay and healthy-"
"Nice." I interrupt him, not caring what he's telling me.
"Yep. Everything looks okay, you cuts are healing, your baby is okay, there is not internal bleeding or bruising." He reads off of his clip board.
"Okay." I pause, feeling my heart drop. "Wait did you say b-baby? A baby?" I stutter.
"Yes, your baby is perfectly okay. Of course, you are very early into your pregnancy. Only a couple weeks in." He smiles.
"I'm pregnant?" My voice breaks.
"Why, um.. yes. Congratulations!" He smiles again.
"You should also be free to go home in the next couple of days." He interrupts me, still smiling his fake smile.
"Remember, if you need anything, just press that red button on your side table. Have a nice rest of your day Tianna." He adds before leaving the room.
I have no time to process what I've just been told.
What the fuck is going on?
Ethan, Hanna, and Grayson come back into the room.
"Hey we got you some cake." Hanna smiles. "All they had was vanilla which is boring, but it's fine- hey, you alright?"
I didn't realize my mouth was still open from shock. I clear my throat and shake my head.
"Thanks guys.. I just.. don't know if I'm very hungry. Sorry.." I lay back down and turn my back to them.
"Oh. That's okay. I'll just leave it here if you want it later." Hanna places it on my side table. "We'll leave you alone for a bit." She says quietly.
"We love ya Tianna." Ethan says as the walk out the door.
"Bye." I mumble.
And then the door clicks shut.