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Jugheads POV:
I made my way down the stairs after tidying up from ally's bath, my mum was seated at the table and jelly was on the sofa still with her headphones in. I walked over to my mum and sat next to her, she had finished eating and when she saw me sit down she smiled shyly.

After a minute she started talking, 'I'm not asking for your forgiveness jug as I know I don't deserve it. I'm sorry I left, I knew you were struggling, you had just lost Charlie and then your dad. It was bad timing and I should have been more considerate but I wanted a chance to start again. You and Veronica are young and you had your lives ahead of you, I couldn't leave you with a 13 year old so I didn't. I've messed up I know, I don't blame you for the way you are treating me but I want to fix things. I came back because I missed my family, I just want to know if you can give me another chance, to make things right between us, and me and Veronica?' I crossed my arms and sat back, I sighed and said 'but leaving didn't change you, I've spoken to jelly and I know you did the exact same thing in New York as you did here. At least when she was here she wasn't alone and me and Veronica were here to watch her. I'm not about to give you a lecture on what a mother is suppose to do for her child but instead of controlling her, let her be free. She's 18 now for crying out loud and I'm guessing the reason she's still with you is because you told her she can't leave. You may be our mother but you never really showed it, your daughter got engaged, I've got a family, dad got released from jail but your turning up now. Sorry doesn't cut it this time, you want to fix things with us.... show that you care' she frowned and said quietly 'I'm not a perfect mother, I never have been. I've done some questionable things but the worst one was abandoning my children when they needed me. I'm sorry jug, I'm going to and I want to try, with you and Veronica' I smiled slightly and i nodded. 'Then time will tell' I say before standing up, I grabbed her plate and headed into the kitchen to sort out her dishes.

It had been about an hour, I was cleaning up the house from dinner as well as from ally's toys. Jelly had gone to bed and so had my mum, I was the only one awake. I grabbed my laptop and came to sit on the sofa. I was answering emails for work when I heard the stairs creak. I turned slightly to see a sleepy ally walking down the stairs, Hot Dog in her grasp as she rubbed her eyes. I smiled and closed my laptop as she made her way round to the sofa. She climbed up and sat her self on my lap, my arms automatically wrapped around her and she settled further. I kissed the side of her head and said why are you awake monkey? She shrugged and said I miss mummy I smiled and nodded. I know, we'll see her tomorrow morning but mummy loves you she smiled and then said stay with you she got even more comfortable in my lap and I laughed slightly. She looked up at me and I brushed the stray hairs from her face, come on then, let's get some sleep she happily nodded as I stood up and carried her upstairs.

Once in my room I put ally on the bed and she happily crawled under the covers, I headed into the bathroom attached to our room and quickly changed. When I came back out she had her blanket as well and was happily tucked under the duvet. I got into bed on the other side and ally soon cuddled up into my side. I ran my hands through her hair and she let out a yawn, the grip on hotdog tightened and she hugged him close as I watched her eyes drift shut. She was asleep in minutes and I soon followed, it had been a stressful day and I was exhausted.

My phone started ringing, I opened my eyes to see it was still dark outside. I rubbed my eyes and it indeed said 4:53am. I looked at the number and it wasn't recognisable, I answered it with sleep lacing my voice:

Jughead: hello?
Hospital: hi, is this Jughead Jones?
Jughead: yes, this is Jughead?
Hospital: sorry to bother you so early mr Jones but we've had some problems settling miss cooper, she's requesting to come home and is very anxious. She's asking for you
Jughead: yeah, okay. Umm... I'll be there really soon. Could you let her know I'm on my way
Hospital: of course, again, I'm extremely sorry for disturbing you so early
Jughead: it's perfectly okay, thank you

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