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It was now the big day. Today Veronica was getting married.

Last night Veronica had stayed at the house with me and jug, ever since me and Jughead had spoken about having a baby we had decided not to tell anyone until we knew it was certain.

I woke up this morning to a knock and the door of our bedroom opening, I sat up and saw Veronica poking her head round the corner. I smiled and said 'what are you doing V?' She smiled weakly and said 'I can't sleep, I'm panicking' I moved over slightly so I was lying right next to Jughead, the movement made him hold me a little tighter but I patted the space next to me and she came and sat down next to us.

I shoved Jugheads shoulder a little further and he groaned before opening his eyes. He sighed and said 'why is my sister in our bed?' I laughed while Veronica rolled her eyes at him, I moved the hair from his face and said 'Ronnie is feeling a little bit anxious about today' he nodded and then rolled over. He buried his head back in the pillow and I sighed, just as I was about to wake him up again ally came running into the room. She hopped onto the bed and said talk mummy talk, I kissed her head and said slow down sweetie, can I have a hug first? She smiled and nodded while cuddling into my side, I looked down at her and said wake daddy up for me she smiled and moved from my arms before climbing on top of Jugheads back and started wriggling, I heard his small laugh as he rolled onto his back. Ally soon moved to lie on his stomach and she wrapped her arms around his neck, she pulled back and said morning dada he smiled and said did you sleep well? She nodded and then said talk dada he laughed and then reached to his bedside table to grab her hearing aids.

A few minutes later ally's hearing aids were in and she was lying in Jugheads arms while talking to me and Veronica. We had eased Veronicas nerves slightly and soon we all headed down for breakfast.

Me, Veronica and jellybean headed off shortly after breakfast, I left a kiss on Ally's head as I was leaving her in Jughead and FP's charge. I walked over to Jughead who was currently in the kitchen putting away the dishes when I wrapped my arms around his waist. He smiled and then turned to face me, I lent up to kiss his lips and when he went to deepen it I pulled away slightly earning a groan from him. I smirked and said 'I need to go and your making it increasingly difficult' he smirked and then nipped at my neck, 'then stay, we can have our own fun...' I laughed quietly and then pulled away 'stop it, you had your fun last night' he smirked and dragged me closer to him. I eased into his touch and he said 'you better figure out a way to cover the marks, I forgot your dress hung low...' I rolled my eyes and said 'you are way to cocky for your own good' he smirked and then lent forward to kiss my lips. I felt his tongue brush my lip and then I pulled away 'no, no. I have to go' he sighed and nodded. I pulled away but before I walked away I said 'right, Gladys has her dress and I ask one thing of you, please do not break our daughter and I swear to god if you give her too much candy she is your responsibility for the rest of the night. Do not make Archie late, I do not need Veronica stressed and anxious even more than she already is and for one day, please just be nice to your sister. It's her wedding day and she doesn't need your usual sarcastic self ruining it for her. So best behaviour, promise me?' He turned to me and said 'what's in it for me?' I raised an eyebrow and said 'maybe you'll get lucky, but then again... maybe you won't' he smirked and then I pecked his lips one last time before running to the front door. 'What took you so long?' Veronica said, I shrugged my shoulders 'just had to give jug some rules because apparently Ally's not the only child I live with' Veronica laughed and then Jughead said loudly from the kitchen 'I heard that' I smiled and then said 'come on then, we'll be late otherwise' we all then left the house and headed to the venue.

The rest of the morning was spent getting our hair and make up done, we had spent hours just talking until it was almost time. Veronica was getting changed into her wedding dress while the rest of us were already dressed and ready to walk down the isle. There was a knock on the door and jellybean answered it 'you alright scruff?' I heard the familiar voice ask. I rolled my eyes and then opened the door further 'what did I say this morning?' He smiled and said 'that sister isn't getting married, it's the other one. Come on, everyone needs a little Jughead humour to brighten the mood' jellybean rolled her eyes and walked off. I stood with my arms crossed and then Jughead pulled me to him, 'come on baby, I haven't seen my girl all day. Can I get just a little smile?' I shook my head and then he said 'you look so beautiful and ally looks just like her mum' a slight smile appeared on my face and then I eased into his hug. 'How is she?' He asked after a minute, I laughed and said 'she's nervous but excited, hows Archie?' He smiled and said 'ready and waiting, he's got ally so he has something to do but there ready to go. I've been sent to check my sister hasn't run off yet...' I laughed and said 'there's still time, can you come and talk to her. Having her brother there might calm her down a bit, please?' He nodded before following me into the room.

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