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Betty's POV:
He needed time, I had to respect that. Something had happened last night that made him leave, I just needed to figure it out.

While Ally was cuddled into my side, Cheryl and Toni were making dinner for us as I was literally bed bound. I grabbed my phone and I called Veronica hoping she would shed some insight into why jug had left.

Veronica: B, omg. Are you okay? How are you feeling?
Betty: I'm fine Veronica, I'm home and that's the most important thing. I was wondering if I could ask a favour?
Veronica: of course, anything B
Betty: I need some help over the next couple of days, I'm bed bound till next week and need some help with ally
Veronica: of course I'll help B but is that okay with jug? He's not too happy with me at the moment
Betty: it will be fine, Jugheads not in
Veronica: but if he comes back Betty, he won't be happy. You need to be stress free, I won't help that situation
Betty: Veronica, it's fine. Jug... he's, he's not here at the moment
Veronica: oh okay, when is he going to be back? I'm surprised he left you?
Betty: I don't know, couple of days? He didn't say
Veronica: a couple of days?!?! Where's he gone?
Betty: he didn't say, he left about 2 hours ago
Veronica: shit, okay... ~Charlie, he's gone. Do you know where he would have gone?~
Betty: Veronica... what's going on? I thought you just said Charlie? Charlie went missing 5 years ago?
Veronica: me and Archie are on our way over, I'll explain everything when I see you. I promise
Betty: okay... I guess I'll see you soon

Soon it was. Less than 5 minutes Veronica and Archie we're knocking on the door. Cheryl answered and then welcomed them in, ally quickly ran up to Archie and hugged him. As he picked her up I said 'arch, would you mind taking ally upstairs for me?' He nodded and him and ally headed upstairs into her room. Veronica sat down on the sofa next to me and she faced me, 'we'll get jug back for you, he just needs to sort something out' she said quietly I smiled and said 'I know, he promised he would come back' she smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. 'Tell me' was all I managed to say to her, she frowned and took a deep breath getting ready to tell me what had happened.

'Last night when jug came for dinner, I didn't think he would react in the way he did. None of us knew, he just turned up, but it was Charlie. We didn't think we would ever see him again but here he is 5 years later. Jug didn't take it very well, him and ally didn't end up staying for dinner and he left 20 minutes later. Charlie's the only one who will know where he's gone, he never told anyone but Charlie his hiding places' she stopped talking and I nodded, I didn't say anything else except, 'could you take ally to the park for me? I need her out of the house while I shower?' She nodded and hurried upstairs to where Archie and ally were. They came down 10 minutes later and ally was ready to leave, Archie went with them and I asked Cheryl to help me upstairs.

I showered and cleaned myself up, when I left the bathroom Cheryl was there to help me back into bed. She sat with me for a while until she left to go and pick up Toni from work. And that's when it hit me, I was alone again, and everything came rushing back. I had lost a baby, we had lost a baby. A tear ran down my face as I sobbed into the pillow next to me, I hugged the pillow close to my face and I could smell Jughead on it. This helped me to calm down a bit but I was still sad. I missed Jughead and I needed him more than anything right now but he was going through his own problems.

I heard the front door close and I just thought it was Cheryl and Toni. When I didn't hear any voices I got kind of worried, I stood up slowly from the bed and walked to the door. I heard the footsteps on the stairs get louder and louder, I looked up to be faced with Robbie. He had broken into the house?

'Get out' I said while trying to walk back to the room to grab my phone, he laughed and said 'not a chance, see, I want my daughter. You are an unfit mother, I mean look at you. Your suffering from what I guess was another attempt at having a bastard baby with your serpent scum and it didn't go to plan' I scoffed and said 'you don't even want her, why do you care so much about her. You think she was a mistake, so why take her from me?' He smirked and said 'to make you miserable, you don't deserve to have her. She needs to know her mother is a lying bitch who goes around spreading lies that I "raped" you. You just don't want to admit that you spread your legs for any guy that comes your way' a tear fell from my face as I secretly grabbed my phone from behind me on the bed and I hit record. 'You hurt me Robbie, you did nothing but force yourself on me. Everything we did was on your terms not mine, I begged for you to stop but you covered my mouth, you left my wrists and my hips covered with bruises because you used force when you did it. You hurt me and you don't even care. I'm a great mother, I have done everything I needed to make sure that little girl turns out nothing like her sick father. You don't care about her, you never have. Your doing this to spite me, if she was in your care you wouldn't look after her or care for her. You would neglect her because that's the kind of man you are' I took a breath and all I saw was his smile grow, 'you have no proof. See, the life you have now chosen to live will bite you. In a court, one mention of the south side serpents and your done and that daughter of yours is mine and I have full custody. Doesn't matter if I want her or not, if I win you will never see her again. I might have taken a lot from you when we were together in high school but what I will never forget is the fear is as in your eyes. I love it, I see it now. I could do it again you know, no ones going to be here for hours, I bet you would love it. I can take you so much better than that snake you fuck every night. Because you might give him consent, but the best comes when you least expect it. When you've given up the fight and your at my full disposal...' his hand found my wrist and he trailed his fingers up my arm and across my collarbone. I flinched at his touch but I couldn't move, I was in pain and wouldn't have been able to get away fast enough. His hand moved to my waist and gripped tightly, tears streamed down my face and I said 'stop, don't touch me' he laughed and thats when his mouth latched onto my neck. I pushed at him but he was bigger, stronger. I hit against him as I felt he was marking me, I cried and pleaded for him to get off but he didn't. He pushed me down on the bed with me screaming for him to get off, there was a slam and soon there were rapid footsteps running up the stairs. 'Betty?!' I heard Jughead scream, Robbie stood up and said, trying to cover his tracks, as Jughead entered the room 'you said we would be alone? You said he wouldn't be home?' I cried to myself then I heard Robbie say 'look, mate. I'm really sorry, she called me up and said she wanted to talk...' I heard Jugheads scoff and he said 'yeah right, get the fuck out of my house and if you ever show your face again I will kill you. Do you understand?' Robbie scoffed as he walked away 'once a bitch, always a bitch. Better watch your back because I'm coming for your daughter' Jughead grabbed him by the collar of his neck and punched him in the face. I then watched as he dragged him downstairs and out the front door. There was a slam and then Jughead ran straight back upstairs to me, I was back in bed crying into my hands.

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