Spaghetti Night (Birdflash Brotp)

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They knew something was up when Robin volunteered to watch Wally. They were all superheroes, first of all. Second, when the two partnered together, nothing good ever came from it. Wally had broken his wrist after their Injustice League battle. No body trusted him to stay in the cave alone so they needed somebody to baby sit. All Justice League members were busy so somebody on the team had to take on the job. Kaldur was needed as team leader, Conner didn't know how to baby sit, M'gann and her telepathy was desperately needed on their Stake-Out mission. It was most likely Artemis' job and Batman was going to give it to her, but Robin stepped in.

Robin was trained a detective and would notice almost everything, either it be a gust of wind or a bunny. Some how the acrobat managed to convince his mentor to let him stay with Wally. Artemis was trained as a detective, even though no body else knew that, but Batman did. He sent everyone off, but the speedster  and the bird. He should've known something was up when the two boys high-fived.

"I'm hungry," Wally groaned and leaned back against the cave's couch. Robin rolled his eyes and placed his X-Box controller down. They had tried to play video games. In reality, it was just Robin playing and Wally watching. He couldn't do much with a broken wrist.

"Then make yourself a sandwich or something," The younger boy raised a brow, "I can't do everything for you."

Wally raised his cast, "Please, you've done nothing! The whole point of you staying with me was to watch me."

"No, it was to pull pranks! I mean, we filled Conner's room with dry ice, and dyed M'gann cheer uniform purple. Not to mention, put a whole bunch of fish in the cave's pool."

"At least you're honest," Wally sat up from the couch and speed over to the kitchen. He started to zip around, opening cabinets and drawers. Robin stood up, too, when he heard his best friend stop. He raised a brow as the redhead started to pull out tens of spaghetti boxes. The speeder was smirking.

"How about we pull one last prank and get our grub on?"

Artemis huffed as the team walked through the briefing room, making their way into the living room.Their Stake-Out went in the completely wrong direction. Some mob decided to attack them and it resorted in hand-to-hand combat. One of them had bent her ankle. It was sprained pretty badly, but she sucked it up.

"That mission sucked," Artemis said out loud. Conner grumbled in agreement and Kaldur and M'gann nodded. They didn't say anything else after that. They were all exhausted. That was until Artemis took one step into the kitchen/living room area and twisted her foot on some slimy substance.

The blonde grabbed her ankle and hissed in pain, falling to the ground. M'gann kneeled down next to her, but was distracted by what she knelt on. The Martian said in a confused tone, "Spaghetti?" The four of the members looked across the room. Everything was covered in spaghetti: the couches, the tv, the counter tops, everything.

Conner started, "What the fu-

-You guys are back!" Wally cheered. Their eyes were taken off of the spaghetti and placed on the two boys. They were on a row boat and paddling through the Italian noddles with an oar. They had on paper sailing hats.

"How did you make this much spaghetti?" M'gann asked.

Kaldur wanted to know a different question, "How did you get a row boat?"

Robin snickered and threw some noddles into the air, "That is a secret we'll never tell!" Wally laughed with him and threw some of the food as well, "Sweet Caroline!" He sang.

"Bum, bum, bum!" Robin chimed in as they kept paddling through.

"We should've given them to the Injustice League when we had the chance," Artemis sighed, still sinking into the pasta.

Conner huffed, too, before attempting to stomp through. He got half way before he slipped and fell face first into the slippery dinner. M'gann chuckled as her boyfriend sat up and wiped his face. Wally and Dick just snickered at the unfortunate clone, but next thing they knew, spaghetti was hurled at the back of their skulls.

"Ow!" The boys yelped.

"I hate this team," Conner said as he stood up and started to make it to his room with out tripping.

If you only had seen his reaction to the dry ice in his room.

Send requests if you want. :) Hope you enjoy me giving myself another project to make my life more challenging.

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