A Life Alone (Zatanna x Artemis Brotp)

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Losing her mom wasn't difficult. Growing up without one was the struggle. She strongly believed in the need of having two parents. Children needed stability and that was something she didn't have.

Childhood was hard. She couldn't relate to her classmates, which seemed the height of her issues at the time. When they invited her to play dolls or house, she didn't know how. She had never had a mother to teach her those things.  She never knew how to do her hair or other people's hair, either. Her father was the only one in her life and certainly didn't know how to braids, paint nails, or do feminine bounding activities that created important memories in life.

Puberty was difficult, too. She didn't have a mom to tell her about the changes in her body or in life. There was no one to walk her through friend drama or her first crushes. The bird's and the bee's was more humiliating than it had to be because she didn't have a mother to help her.

Although it was difficult for her, she always knew she had her dad. He was there for her first spells, her sports games, and school music concerts. Everyday she always said thank and let him know how much she loved him. Never once did she think she took him for granted, but ghat was until she lost him too.

For the first few months, Zatanna felt nothing but grief. It was like her father had died. The helmet of fate had took him and would never let him go. She would never see her father again. The most important person in her life was gone. Her last parent was gone. There would be no more first spells, sports games, or school concerts.

Of course it got easier after awhile. She had joined the Young Justice team. They all knew what was like to lose someone and helped her every way they could. Robin checked in her,
Wally made sure to make her laugh, and M'gann taught her all the girly things she had missed out on life. Kaldur shared stories of his home when she felt down. Conner asked her to give him clarinet lessons, which she had been playing since the fourth grade. Raquel took her shopping. Last but not least, Artemis would unintentionally show her what that life could be so much worse.

Artemis walked up to her front door, fishing out her keys from her ragged baby blue coat. Zatanna was standing behind her. She was being mindful of who was walking in the hallway and who was doing what. Around the corner there was a family sitting outside of the door. Music was blasting from inside of the apartment. The mom was smoking, the dad looked high, and children were screaming and running around inside and out. Even though they were loud, she could still hear the downstairs neighbors screaming. No one said anything.

"It's not the best place," Artemis said as she finally finished opening all the locks, "And it's cold cause they turned the heating off." Zatanna didn't say anything before the blonde let the magician in. It was hard not to notice how the apartment was falling apart. The floorboards were splintered, the window in the corner didn't close, and the kitchen cabinets were falling off. Zatanna could hear the sink leak. Plus, the television had to be from the 80's. The couch was probably older than that. There were blood stains on it, if you looked close enough.

"I know this place is disgusting," The archer spoke up when she noticed her friend staring. Zatanna spun around to look at Artemis.
She shook her head and tried to lie, but Artemis saw through it. "Don't worry about it, Zee. It doesn't bother me."

The magician frowned as she took off her coat, "So you're okay with living in this place? Why don't you ask Oliver or Batman for some help? I'm sure they would help you get out of here. You can live in the cave."

"Nah," The blonde dismissed with her hand as she sat down on the couch, "I don't need charity ... Not that you're a charity case cause you live in the cave."

"Oh please, I'm the ultimate charity kid," Zatanna chuckled as she sat down next to Artemis. She chuckled too before she reached for the television remote and turned on the old thing. As she scrolled through the channels, Zatanna continued to look around. There were picture frames on one of the small table stands. One in particular caught the brunette's eyes. It was an old one. Artemis' dad, mom, and sister were all in it. They were standing in front of a Christmas tree. Artemis had a big red hand print on her cheek. Jade was covered in bruises.

Artemis noticed her staring again and leaned over to look at picture. She scoffed, "Everyone looks at that picture."

Zatanna looked back with a obvious look, "Well, you kinda have big hand print on your face."

"Oh, I always thought it was because I'm a Buddhist celebrating Christmas," The goddess said with heavy sarcasm, "Anyways, you want popcorn?" Artemis jumped over the couch and walked over to the kitchen.

The raven haired girl nodded before turning her attention to the television. It was playing some reruns of Hello Megan. M'gann had joined the team a few episodes, but Zatanna couldn't get into it like the martian could. Since she didn't really enjoy the show, she got distracted.

She knew Artemis didn't live with her dad or sister, but knew she lived with her mother. Artemis had also mentioned that Paula didn't have a job because of her disability. So where was she? No body had been in the apartment to let her out. Paula only left the house when Artemis was there. The archer explained that it both made them feel safer.

"Hey, Arty. Where's your mom?"

"She's in a healing facility in Washington," Artemis shrugged as she waited for the microwave to beep. There was the quiet sound of  kernels popping.

Zatanna turned herself in the couch and leaned her elbows on the back of it. Then she placed her chin in her folded arms. "Why do you say it so casually?"

The blonde explained, "Because it is. She has to go through a lot of physical therapy. She gets sick a lot because of how weak her immune system is. Plus, she has to get treated for schizophrenia. Jade and I inherited it for her. Part of the reason why we're all screwed."

The magician didn't say anything and took in all this new information. It made her feel not so pitiful about her life anymore. She never had a mom and her dad was gone, but at least she didn't have to deal with all these burdens. Artemis' life was a constant reminder of her abuse, her family's criminal past, and so much more.

"You okay, Zee?" Artemis asked, dragging her out of her thoughts. Zatanna nodded and snapped out of it. She put on a smile when she noticed her friend was holding a finished bowl of popcorn.

"Thanks, Arty," She said as the blonde handed her the bowl. She only hoped Artemis knew what that thank you really meant.

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