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     Zhao Yunlan an ordinary engineer  student whose trying to find a part time job and just woke up seeing his world have become a catastrophe.


     It was a typical morning, he bid farewell  to his parents and little brother Yue yue to get a part time job in a small store near a gasoline station. As he went their with his bicycle. He ring the bell to alarm the manager. But there is no one around.

   He look around just to bumped into a mysterious and handsome man. "Wow!" He accidentally  blurted out. Making the man blushed  and smile a little.  He was about to ask him if he saw the manager. The guy suddenly  panicked  as he look everywhere  if there is any  people around them. Finding no one. Without any warning he pricked  Yunlan with a needle.

     "What are you doing?!" He shouted at him. As Yunlan shouved the man. Suddenly  his world start spinning and he suddenly  block out. An hours pass, when he woke up as he heard screaming and shouting outside the store.

    Yunlan tried to stand up and was shocked  that outside  people are eating people. "This is a nightmare! This isn't  real!" Suddenly  a zombie appeared  infront of him and bite his arm. He scream in pain. When out of nowhere the zombie's face was suddenly  slice with a sword. His savior is the same man that thrust a needle on his arm. "You?!" As he felt dizzy again and fall into the man's  arms.

    "Sorry! Boy! But you have to come with me!" As he lift  Yunlan out of the store and into his van as they speed away from the horrible scene.

    In an hours again. Yunlan woke up in a certain room, "Where am I?" As he sit up and saw his arm that been bitten  by the zombie having a bandage. "Stay here and you'll  be safe!" Said the man. "You?! Your the one that pricked me with a needle!" Yunlan shout. "And the one that save you from a zombie is me! And by the way my name is Shen Wei! I'm a scientist!" As he straightened  his glasses. "Nice to meet you!" And he extended his hand.

    First Yunlan doubted Shen Wei, but inside his heart he want to beleive  to his savior. For he never seen such a beautiful  face for a guy. As he gave his hand something electricuted he felt. He was about to get his hand back. But Shen Wei  hold his hand firmly. "For now on your my mate for life!"

    That made Yunlan  pop his eyes off, "Excuse me?! What?!" As Shen Wei  explained  it. "Its just the two of us that are left in our world. All have died or mutated into a zombie as you see!" Yunlan shake his head, "No! My parents and my brother! What happened  to them! Please! I want to see them!" As Yunlan use his puppy eyes to convince Shen Wei.

    "But you know it's  dangerou outside!" Said Shen Wei.  Still Yunlan giving him his puppy eyes. "You don't  want your mate to be sad?" As he lost to that sad look on his face.  Shen Wei  have no choice but to get back on the van with Yunlan and speed away toward his house.

    "You know I'm doing this for you!" Said Shen Wei.  "Why me?! I know I'm quite handsome but theres more suitable  guy for you?!" He ask. Shen Wei  blushed  as he turned  to face on where his driving, so Yunlan won't  see his red face. "What if I say it's  destiny? Why?! Don't  you like me?" He ask. As he step on the gasoline to speed up the van.

    Yunlan rubbed  his back head. "Well to tell you the truth? Your pretty to be a guy?" He shyly  said. "What?! I'm pretty?" Shen Wei  was shock and look back at him. "Actually  I thought your the handsomest guy I ever see, I think  beautiful  is much fitting  for you! And I think...."  He was suddenly  cut off by the sudden of Shen Wei  stepping on the breaks.

     Yunlan almost fall off his sits, luckily  he have a sit belt on. "You mean you don't  mind being my lover? Eventhough I'm a man?" He ask. "Nope! I like you the first time I saw you but I didn't  know you like me too?!" As silence lingers on both of them.

     Shen Wei  cough a little as he realize they're  in Yunlan's  house now, "Where here!" As both got out. Shen Wei  brought his sword in case theres  zombies that they must fight. "Mom and Dad!" As Yunlan ran toward his house only to find that there's  no one.

     "Where are they?!" As he tried to find them upstairs and each room. Shen Wei  follows him. Only to find a letter.

Dear Yunlan,

     If you find this message where at the army's camp. Soldiers evacuate us! Please hurry to go there before zombies got you.

                                Dad, Mom and Yue yue

     "We need to get there!" Said  Yunlan.
"What are you out of your mind! Theres many zombies out there!" Shen Wei  said. Yunlan suddenly  hugged  him. "Xiao Wei! Please! My family will happily want to meet their future daughter  in law!" As he bat his eyes on him. Shen Wei  correct him. "I told you! Where already ment for one another. And beside I'm the son in law here ..."  As he murmured the last sentence.

    Shen Wei  didn't  realize how his melting Yunlan's  heart by acting cute. "I'll do anything you command! I just want to see my family!" While doing that puppy eyes again. "Would you stop doing that?!" Shen Wei  said irritably. " But it's  working?! Right?!" Suddenly  Shen Wei  cut him with a passionate  kiss making Yunlan shocked. His lips was so soft and taste like vanilla strawberry. Making Yunlan moan as he let Shen Wei enter his mouth and let him explore every inch of his cavarn. How sweet  and soft his tongue felt in his mouth as it entangle with his. Yunlan never realized  his responding to the kiss and wants more. As his body temperature rise and didn't  want to let go Shen Wei. 

    As Shen Wei  break the kiss, he smirk and satisfied on what he see. His young mate also want him. Yunlan was  so red and clinging  at his body. "Okay! I will do it! But I want your body after it!" Shen Wei  ask. Yunlan  quickly nod in response. His body never felt excited on someone like Shen Wei and will do anything to have it. As Shen Wei  pulled him back to the van just to be meet by few zombies.

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