Shopping And Wedding

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     When they went to the city a few zombies still walking.

     Shen Wei  holds  Yunlan's  hand. "Are you ready to barge  in there? You can wait out here while  I do it?!" Said  Shen Wei.  "No! I won't  let my man do all the fun!" As he smirk to him.

    When they walk in the zombies attack them. Shen Wei  use his sword in defending  at the front while Yunlan at the back. Luckily his calmed  and can shoot the zombies easily on the head with one shot at a time. Shen Wei  praise him for that.

    As they finished  up, they went to the grocery  to fill their cart on what they need. When they got outside they check up each car if they can use it. Yunlan got farther away from Shen Wei. When he saw a little girl walking with a teddy bear.

    "Little girl! Are you okey?" But he was shock as the little  girl turned  toward him. Her half face is almost taken off and rottening. She growl and dropped her teddy bear when seeing Yunlan. And started to run toward him. Yunlan got panic he didn't  want to shoot a little  kid. She almost bite him when Shen Wei  slice her pretty rottening head. The blood splattered  on his face.

    There  Yunlan scream in shock as Shen Wei  comfort him while wiping him with a tissue on his blooded face. As he pulled Yunlan away from the scene to inspect a small car for the two of them. "Not bad! Right?" He kiss his lover's cheek to avert his gaze on him. Forget about that kid it's  late we cannot save her." As he pushed  Yunlan to go inside the small car to look at it. While putting their groceries  there.

    Shen Wei  step on the gas, as they speed  toward another part of the city to another store. As they past a store of clothes. Shen Wei  suddenly  stop as he saw a photo shop. The unaware Yunlan was suddenly  pulled toward the shop. Yunlan look puzzle on him.

   "What are we doing here?" He ask. Shen Wei  pick a suite and gave it to Yunlan. Here change into this!" Shen Wei  command. Yunlan look at him in puzzle. "Just wear it!" Yunlan have no choice but to change his clothes infront of Shen Wei as well as him. Since they're  hurrying up, if zombies may come. Shen Wei admire the tan, lean atlethic type of body of Yunlan. While Yunlan take a peek on Shen Wei's  fair, flawless well build body of Shen Wei.

    In a minute, Shen Wei  and Yunlan post for the timer camera. "After this apocalypse I promise to you we will have a proper  wedding!" As he hold Yunlans arms and gave him the bouquet  of plastic flowers. "What?!!!" Yunlan was surprise at what he said. As the camera click.

    Shen Wei  kneel before him. "Yunlan! Be my other  half forever!" Yunlan was speechless. As he nod, Shen Wei  gave him a ring pull of a certain cola drink at his ring finger.  "Sorry...I don't  have a ring yet! But after this apocalypse end I will buy you a proper ring." As he gave another ring pull to Yunlan to be place on his ring finger . "There! We both have rings!" As both of them show their hands to one another. Suddenly Yunlan pulled  him up for a kiss, as the camera click again.

    "Shen Wei! Thank you for making my dreams come true! I'll be happy to be your other half!" As he kiss him again.

    In a minute again, Shen Wei took the pictures and place it inside his pocket. As he lead him in the church. While Yunlan still carrying the bouquet of flowers, Shen Wei  put his arms around his arms and march in the hall of the church toward the stage where the priest should stood. As Shen Wei  look to Yunlan lovingly.

     He vow to take care and love Yunlan forever. Yunlan tried not to cry hearing that. As he also vow to love and never leave Shen Wei  side forever. " I will love through the end of time! Till death do us part!" As both say and they kiss passionately.

     "Where do you think do you want to stay for our honeymoon?!" Ask Yunlan while wiggling  his eyebrow to Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  embrace him from behind and kiss him on his neck. "I thought we will  have our reception first? We still haven't eaten our lunch yet?" Yunlan frown.

     "Can we skip that and go on with the honeymoon?" He wyn, making Shen Wei  laugh a little. "My other half sure  know how to  make cute faces! Sorry! But no can do! Da quing  kick us out and we don't  even know where to stay yet?" As Shen Wei  saw a small coffee shop he pulled Yunlan there.

    Luckily there's  no one or zombies  there. As he ramage an ingrdients in making coffee and chocolates and tried to find chips and biscuit to eat. He let Yunlan sit for a while so he can make it. Yunlan want to help but he shoved him to sit still. While he do the preparation.

    Unaware there being watch by group of people who are hiding. "What are they doing?" Said a woman to the guy. "I think they're newly wed and having tea?" The woman widen his big brown eyes. "What?! In a time like this?!" Another guy smirk, "I think it's  quite romantic!" As the other hit him on the head.

    As Shen Wei  finished  thd foods and drinks he laid it at the table infront  of Yunlan. As he add a plastic flower in it at the side. "There not bad as our wedding  lunch." Yunlan almost cried in what Shen Wei's  doing. As they toast and drink the coffee and chocolate, "To our wedding day!" And ate the chips and biscuits.

     While they're  having a nice chat suddenly someone pull a gun on Yunlan's  head making Shen Wei  freze to do anything, "What are you doing here?!" Shout the man as others emerge carrying different weapons.

    "Where just celebrating our wedding here!" Said Yunlan. "I told you they're  not bad guys with a suit!" Said the woman. "My name is Sang!" As the man took back his gun. "And this is my wife Wang, my friend Cong bo and Guo!" Yunlan introduce himself as well as Shen Wei.

    "Oh! My god! Your just a newly wed couples! So whose the bride?" Ask Wang. "He is!" Both said. "Wait your the bride! Since I gave you the rings and it's  my idea?" Said Shen Wei.  "But your the beautiful one! Your the bride!" Unaware of what Yunlan said. It made Shen Wei  crimson red. "It doesn't  matter who is who?! We must stick together to protect one another!" Said Sang. "Why not?!" As Yunlan agreed. Shen Wei  elbow him. "I think it's  not a good thing to group to people's  we don't  know!" Shen Wei  whispered  to him. "The more we are the better our chance of survival!" Yunlan whispered  back. Shen don't  want  to argue to Yunlan, so he also agree to it. But something  inside of him doesn't  want to share Yunlan to anyone.



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