intro 👑

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the prince walked inside the diner hall as he find his way to the chair on the right side of his father, the prince's attendant following him.

"father, what seems to be the occasion for everyone to be gathered here?" the prince asked.

no lie, every man the king trusted is gathered in the table. the officials, captains and even the generals are present.

"son, as soon as the message that you will be crowned is sent to every kingdom. we received negative and death threats from an anonymous sender." the king said as he took a sip from his red wine.

the crowned prince didn't put much thought to it and just continued listening.

the king took it as a signal to continue. "though, the detectives and our righteous lawyers are working on it already, some of our trusted members suggested that we hire a very well trained soldier to guard you."

the prince raised a brow, now having an interest on the topic, "so, i don't see any problem on your very clear plan father. where do you need my opinion for?"

"we're gathered here to inform you the plan, prince." one of the officials said with a stern voice to the prince.

the prince then motioned his hand, for the king to continue. "well, of course we'll have a hard time on catching those anonymous sender if they'll know about you having a body guard. so we have come to the decision, that you will marry your soldier to make it less suspicious."

hearing that, the crowned prince coughed loudly as if the pizza he's eating just got stuck at his throat, making everyone on the palace worry, including the prince's attendant. "your highness! here, have a drink!"

the prince's coughing stopped as soon as he took the drink, making everyone feel relieved. "thank you jaemin."

"my honor, your highness." the prince then faced his father after thanking his attendant. "i hope i did not heard it wrong, but, marrying who? i don't even know the guy!"

"prince! i did not thought you to raise your voice on your father!" the queen warned.

the prince then stood up, "i'm sorry but i want to be alone. may you excuse me."
and left the hall. the king even called for him but he just continued running, his attendant, jaemin, following after.

the both of them went inside the crowned prince's spacious room. the prince slumped his body on the bed and groaned loudly, "ugh! jaeminie! i don't wanna marry someone! i'm too young! i'm just twenty!"

"your highness–"

"jaem, call me by my name. i don't want any formalities between me and a close friend." the prince said, giving a stern look at jaemin.

"o-okay... p-prince– uhm, renjun, please understand that your father is doing this for your own safety."

"ugh! fine. just promise me you'll be always by my side. 'kay?" renjun said, letting out his pinky finger.

jaemin blushed at the smile the prince is giving him. he reached out his pinky and intertwined it with the prince's. the prince then pulled him down, making the both of them lie down on his bed, and that made jaemin surprised. "prince! i-i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to lie down on your bed–"

"jaem, it's fine. treat me as your friend will you?"


"no buts, that's an order. for now, what's the name of that 'soldier' that i will marry?"

"from what i heard, his name is lee jeno."


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